Our baby is just over a year old... Technically a toddler, but still the baby...She is already leaving her days of extreme Baby-dom in the dust cloud of life... She wears real shoes, walks all over to get from place to place and she is soon to be bottless (that's Daddy, Daddy's not ready...he's so cute...). She talks (in the way that a parrot mimics) but still... There's "Dis" for "This and mama, dada, baba and when she really wants what you've got it's "Mumumummmmm..." which means "Hey I want that gimme it..."
Still though, raging with teething and the physical side effects. Hates having her diaper changed still, something that came with her 6month mark and never left. Sometimes we can give her a sippy cup or a bottle when we are changing her and she will forget that she thinks she's going to get cut in half... Seriously, her little brain is thinking, "I KNEW IT! TODAY'S THE DAY! IT'S REALLY HAPPENING! I KNEW THIS DAY WOULD COME!"
Kids man, the amaze me truly...she knows that there is a process to the day and she gets it...she rolls really well...and we get the diaper out and she sees it and she's fine, she sees the wipes and the powder and she's fine. we get her down on her back to change her and that's it...the defining moment of her day where she is so absolutely sure that we're about to pull out the ban saw and make our move for baby sushi...I know it sounds horrible, but you should HEAR this child scream at the changing table...We have tried changing her in different spots of the house even, nope. She hates it with the fire of 1,000 suns...
Enjoyable still is the growing dynamic between the two Littles... They're so good together, and Thing 1 still thinks that because it is her sister she can do what she wants with her. Some of these things are very helpful; Pulling her from the crib when she wakes up from a nap, bringing her to the living room in the morning when they both wake up, playing so me n Dad can do some sort of thing that doesn't require kid help... It's pretty awesome... And of course, when we forget something and half Thing 2 undressed and realize "oh yeah, need something" she is there to spring to action and save the day! Unhelpful is the smaller one... Harley will decided that tonight is the night that she will sit on the couch and read a book in perfect silence with her family around...And along comes Maryyyyyy ... remember that song?? Cause that's what I sing to myself and sometimes aloud when I see Marysu zero in on the book Harley's reading and BOOM she's on her like white on rice! And then Harley realizes her mistake and goes in her room to read.
Now is the time of explaining "She's a baby, she doesn't know what she's doing" and then we even go further to explain "But one day she WILL know what she's doing and you'll have every right to bitch about and then she will get punished...just not now.."
I think I gave Harley something to look forward to :) I have also said this to the child enough times now that she gets it and she even says "I know I know, she doesn't know what she's doing... I just wish that she did..." and I retort, "Yes, I wish she did too...but that's our job. To teach her."
Harley is going to be a great teacher for her little sister. That is, if she remembers that she has a list in her room of all the things she wants to teach Mary once Mary is old enough. I think of how old Harley was when she was doing some of these things and I think, if Mary is THAT old then Harley will be THIS old and then she won't want to do these things with her sister by that time... But then again, if it's just the two of them in the house and no friends peering in, I think I'll be pleasantly surprised at taking a peek in on their room one day and see a 12 year old Harley and a 6 year old Marysu playing Little People together :) I think...maybe... yeah...
Until that day comes though, we are soaking in all the walking, talking, clapping, laughing, giggling, smart ass things that the 1 year old does cause she won't be 1 forever...
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