Some of my best ideas come out of me at the last minutes of the day... let's see if this is a testament to as much, shall we?
Probably not, probably going to be gobble-di-gook...but hey...what is to be expected from someone in my predicament?
I have been locked in a Bio Hazard called "Home" for about 5 days...and man is it good to be out.
I came back to work to a mole hill, but it's gone now. All gone...bye bye...
I sit and I wonder just how much "better" Choni feels now that he is on day 5 of Flu Watch 2013...
He hasn't been sick like this in about 5 years I would say. He used to get the Flu shots every year and he would get deathly ill right after. Call it what you want, it's the truth...He was that 1%. Trust and believe I kindly requested he STOP getting the damned things and just let himself get sick like a normal person. Well, he didn't sick after that...and life was good. Thing 1 must have the immune system of Bubble Boy because she just can't seem to shake the sick. She has gotten sick every year since she started school which the statistcs say is normal and American as Apple Pie...Thanks though... But no thanks just the same...
The worst thing in the whole world is when your kids get sick. You can put bandaids on a scraped knee and a pricked finger, you can pull out frikkin splinters, you can even put salves on burns, but you just can't get them better from the flu... It sucks and it's belittling as a parent. I took her to the Pediatrician and he said she was teetering between viral and bacterial wait and see... $30 bucks to get "wait and see"... Oh we did... I got a presription just in case the worst hit over the weekend, but after being sick ALL week...her whole vacation from school down the tubes...she was better. It's a miracle!! Not so fast ya'll.... Then HE gets it....
I stayed home from work on Wednesday, went in for two hours on Thursday and went in from 8 to 2 on Friday all so I wouldn't drown in a mountain of paperwork and phone calls today...and I'm glad I was able too...Thanks Ma :) I didn't really see him Thursday, Friday or Saturday... except for a trip to the Urgent Care Saturday morning and then the CVS for medication of awesome sorts... Sunday afternoon, much to my surprise, he emerged :) Shaved, showered, and less death-like hue to the skin!! Yay!!!
I have done more laundry and dishes and meal preparation than I probably have in a year... We haven't had a whole weekend to ourselves in a long time and it's been even longer since I have had such domestic duties thrust upon me... Weird to sit there and have to wonder how many pairs of jeans and how many towels you can fit in your own washer...because that's how long it's been since you've done serious laundry... Funny to sit there and wonder what setting to wash the dishes on again cause it's been so long since you've had to do more than just load the thing up with dishes... Funny....
But not really all that funny... There was a time I knew all these things. A very different space and time when we both had jobs and Harley was the only Thing and we dropped her off for the night at Gma and Gpa's... It's "funny" how different your life gets...and not even because you "wanted" it to... but because it HAD to be different. It was forced to be different...and pretty soon you wonder... How did I do this before?? And the answer is simple... You didn't... I didn't have to clean a house and juggle a baby... I didn't have to figure that part out myself.... A crash course wasn't necessarily what I had in mind but I am now glad that I had it, and I'm glad it's over. I'm glad I got reminded I'm the Mom I'm the Wife I'm part of the equation...I'm not just here to keep the lights on and keep the water running... I'm sorry that everyone was sick... but now I'm thinking it all happened for a reason... We all got something out of it... If you want a silver lining of course...maybe I want one, because maybe I NEED one... Maybe I NEED one after seeing my poor girl lethargic on the couch for a week, after seeing the piles of paperwork on my desk, after seeing how much Choni does and how much he could use a break no matter what form it came in....
And now it's all over and I can go back to the most annoying thing being that Amazon just shipped my camera and I won't have it until next week... damn Amazon...
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