Wednesday, February 13, 2013

...I KNEW IT!!!!....

Blogger chick that I love so much for all the reasons we are so drastically different just as much as we are alike on so many things finally did it...she blogged about her pictures she takes for her blog.  I knew it was going to come one day because she was so heavily into film photography at one point and now it's the expression of the photos along with the words that move her blog...  I love that reading her blog sometimes is more like "reading" ...  more like osmosis if you will... 

I was sitting here thinking that it must be something awesome...awesome-ER than my meesely little Nikon 3100 that I got in red cause I could dammit...  and then I see the filters on the pictures and before I had Instagram I was completely in AWE by the filters on these photos and the moments she captured...  And then the blog hits and she talks about ALL of it!  I can't believe myself and how fast I soaked it all up like a slurpee in August...  **SLURP** done gone and all comprehended and accounted for. 

I KNEW IT...  I just did...  I knew that she used her damn iPhone...  top of the line awesome sauce iPhone that fits everywhere...  and I knew it.  I knew it because of the sheer amount of accessability demanded from the pictures she took... I just knew.  And now I know, next year when I get my new phone, I am getting either an iPhone or a badass camera phone... but probably...iPhone...  I am still getting my point n shoot Nikon Coolpix P520 ( in red because I can) to take the place of my DSLR which we WILL in fact be keeping because a) we are getting $$ back from the IRS and b) Choni can use it in his ventures.  Also I was only really selling so I could justify the purchase for my name is Ebeneza Scrooge, you may know my great great great grand uncle...

Fantastic news as that is, I am going to want something point and shootable that takes great pictures and then I'm going to want something that takes great video and then I'm going to want something with a great zoom feature and it just all pointed to P250...Also getting a Fuji instax mini.  I have been putting that purchase off since the goddamned thing came to the market and I'm doing it now... and it comes in yellow...  But someday very soon, it will be just me and my iPhone...taking the video and pictures that mold and shape our lives.  Because it's not about the tools you use on the photos but the passion with which you take them... disagree all you want... I'll just mock you...  heehee.

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