Wow, you know what? I really should start a series called ,"This Time Last Year..." I did the birthday story for Marysu...and now I get to do the pneumonia story with HarleyQ...
More like March 5th of last year, but still...This time last year HQ was recovering from a nasty bout of bronchitis. I can't believe she got it. It was just a little cough...cough syrup wasn't helping and my home remedies were getting kicked in the ass so to the dr. she went and she had bronchitis. Antibiotics and a plastic bubble later, she slowly recovered. Always having this phantom cough and sniffling ALL the time. If you don't like nails on a chalk board then I don't recommend listening to a 6 and a half year old sniffle for months... makes me shudder...truly.
Then there was the maternity leave which was awesome family time at it's greatest. Went by like a flash. On the EVE of my returning to work HQ's cough was coupling a fever that had gone on for 48 hours and was getting higher and less compromising by the 5:30pm I decided to take action and to the ER we go where we find out after 6 hours that it was walking pneumonia. Shots and antibiotics later she was a new HQ after 24 hours. She had weezing in her chest and I couldn't handle listening to that I wanted to crawl into a hole and die. My poor Harleymunser was so sick... We took her to the dr for a follow up. I am not a fan of that dr.s office. And we don't go there anymore and we have been happy since we changed back to her old dr. Insurance. Sucks. Anyway, I started to feel a sinus infection coming on and I told MY dr. about her being sick so much and I couldn't stand the thought that she could be asthmatic like I was and my husband REALLY was... But he said it didn't sound like that to GUESS what he said?
Just GUESS???
After all the problem and the sick and the holy shit... He told me to give her Benadryl... Just one dose of old school Benadryl, even generic CVS, Equate, UP and UP, whatever is fine... Just one dose before bed... see what happens...
Yep, it was THAT exciting. After one week, her cough was gone...
And, not to forget to mention. He was telling me that I should be doing the same thing!?!?!
Love. My. PA.
Not even a Dr. A PA... Love him... I tried it on my and I will tell you what... I have taken them ALL! Everything that ends in D... all of it. I have taken shit I can't even PRONOUNCE! I can feel the sinus infections come on and they come on like a bastard. The only time I haven't had any sinus flux is when I'm pregnant (so not a reason to do it again on purpose and not possible anymore anyways hehehe).
Harley was doing SO well in fact that I was down to honing in on the symptoms so early I would give her a Benadryl the night I would notice SOMETHING and then POW!!! Muhfucker's HISTORY!!
It's horrible when something is so simple and so wrong with your kids and when someone gives you a simple answer for what you feel is a simple question it's exciting! Especially when I used the same advice for me and I am able to knock out my symptoms now with a simple pink and white pill that I can get OTC for 4.99 a bottle for the generic shit,... Harley started to get a cough and I thought "Oh, that doens't sound allergy related"... silly me. Cough syrup didn't work for shit and when I gave her the Benadryl what the hell do you think happened? I got so used to her being ok over the past few months.. MONTHS!! that I forgot about the Benadryl...
Lesson learned: This Time Last Year I was learning how awesome old school Benadryl can really be !!!
Harley has surely escaped more horribly sicknesses due to her allergies NOT getting out of hand and I am so loving my Dr for it!!!
Which reminds me, I need to add Benadryl to my shopping list!
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