I know most OCD people feel that even numbers are the way to go, but I am Irish...and superstitious is the name of the game. So Threes... we like the Three's... It's all about the Three's...
Fine... well I just wanted to do a random post about our month... We have had a really busy month.
Again, work is picking up, I am no longer able to sit and mull and write and jot down things to write about later. I will probably require more structure if I want to keep doing the blog thing because as much as I want to keep writing in my journal, but wrists are killing at the end of writing anything with pen and paper... this KILLS me you MUST know that... Also, there are things I like to say and get out of my head and put on paper...why? Don't know, but it works... It helps, it really does.
Going day to day is how I'm trying to do it right now, which really is at odds with the planner in me. The planner in me is so strong that I even bought a two and a half year planner over the weekend. It's a Snoopy planner, don't get me wrong...one month per two pages....but still... If I don't write it down I forget. Plain and simple...
My uncle gave me a hutch, and it was my grandma's and now it's mine. It was missing some shelves, so I got glass pieces cut for the shelves, and now I have another hutch and I have space for more stuff... yay!! I got some really cute knickknacks out that I had put away... Amazing... 4 years later and we are still "settling in"... it's so awesome... We have been doing alot of that this month. Moving things around, making room, filling in spaces... So warm and lovely to have everything in it's place...and to put it there together... side by side... I've been a romantical ball of puke lately...not sure what that's about...but it's true... I am living a RAD Nora Roberts style life when it comes to that man.... I'm NOT ashamed to admit it.. Even when I have to clean up toe nail clippings.. I don't care!
I had a very particular idea in mind for the kids for Halloween and as awesome an idea as it was, I don't think we'll be able to pull it off without me sinking a little more attention into it than I want to give. I just want to go get costumes and go home... sometimes simple is just the best way! Choni is growing his hair out... he's been working on some side projects, keeping himself busy. Even though he just got a kick in the ass cause he's really into deciphering his dreams... and they almost always mean something and it's always something incredibly relevant. Unfortunately, his dream told him that nothing will come of any of his side projects...Not sure what that is supposed to mean for him, but I'm thinking that even though they can be "right" they're still wrong. He is doing his side projects just as much to keep himself busy and not feel the need to vacuum an already vacuumed carpet AGAIN... I told him not to get discouraged cause I wanted him to keep going... Maybe they'll pay off later down the road even... Anything that he has for himself that he does is a good accomplishment...and that makes ME happy for him :) Yay!
I am back to doing my nails...they grew out over night it seems and now I guess I have to take care of them, gosh oh gee...whatever will I do?! Give Choni back scratches, for one...
Our now 20 month old is doing all the things that 20 month olds do... some think she should be speaking full sentences... Nah, I'm good...she's fine. She eats everything and anything, so I'm good on the "not talking"... really...
Before we know it I wont' be buying diapers and wipes anymore and I'll $32 a month back into the budget... Before we know it... geesh...
With the fantastic weather change I have been taking my walks at lunch again... It's so refreshing to get out of the office, and even so our stuffy little cave we have been sanctioned off into... Of course, it can always be a little cooler for my walks, but I'm not about to look the gift horse in the mouth... Thank you Fall, thank you so much for showing up when you did! I thought they were going to have to start rolling me into the building! Thankfully my Vegas bff decided to get super skinny and gifted me her old pants...ALL of them... So now, I have new pants! I LOVE hand overs! And now I have an even better reason to stay the same or try to get a little MORE healthy... I LOVE all my new pants!!! And soda... I love soda... so I gotta do my walks.
I SHOULD be doing better anyways. I don't eat ALL my dinner. We are still on a budget, so budget for food too... The average person eats too much at a time anyways, so we have snacks for the kids and they eat their dinner. Daddy's average dinner feeds us all and then there's nothing left. I feed the wee one off my plate and that way I don't overstuff myself.. I use a juice glass to serve myself my dr. pepper out of a 2 liter bottle, no more individual cans for me. Sometimes I need a pick me up at work and I'll get a D.P from the machine... not always... just sometimes... so my consumption has gone down that's for sure... Nothing, short of Diabetes, will change that any time soon.
Oh, Thing 1...Another thing that has kept my brain completely terrified, and preoccupied... She needs SO much dental work... I should have been taking her to a periodontal this whole time and I didn't... and when they told me what all she needed done to her mouth I wanted to crawl into a hole and die... cause a dead me would be better for her than a half assed me...which is what I felt like. Losing teeth is one of those things that does NOT happen at different times, per kid, per case. You lose them at the same time, period. If you're neighbor's kids, and your kid's classmates are all losing teeth, you're kid should be losing them too...that's it... boom, done. So, she has teeth she didn't lose and now her adult teeth are going to come in crooked and we'll be hip deep in braces and dental work for the rest of her adolescence probably... well, I guess as long as I know that now right? yeah, right... she brushes, she flosses..she doesn't drink soda or eat candy... well, she really doesn't... and she's still doomed... awesome.
Been reading a lot of books... Can't believe how many I burned through in the past month... Seriously! I read...6 books...and that's just between here and there, imagine what I could do with TIME on my hands?? I finished a baby blanket, I want to start another and I have some Xmas gifts to get started on... I finally got a handle on the kids room and organizing that mess... YAY!!! I should get the toy net hammock thingies I ordered on Amazon in a few more days and then it's ON... ReOrganize 2013 will be happening! They need new curtains for their room, other than that their room is perfecto.
The hair is going to grow out, I decided this. I am no longer getting hair cuts, they have stopped and I am no longer going in for color. Too 'spensive. I did notice that the toner wore off, so the bleached parts were coming up yellow. I put a washout over it so it toned it down. Worked like a CHARM! So now I just have to grow this mess out. When it's a certain length, I will have some layers pulled through..but it needs to be LOOONG before that happens cause I already know what I want to do with it...it just seems like I seriously owe the people of the world that don't have rad hair... I owe them this, to grow mine out and let my awesome hair flag fly... and it is awesome... it's soft, it's thick, it's Purdy...it's wavy... it can be straight, it can be curly... anything I want it to be really... and it's not turning grey, so I'm gonna sail that ship as long as I can too...
I've been car day dreaming for the next purchase, which I don't anticipate for another three years or so...unless unfortunate events strike, then sooner... but lets NOT go there shall we? Okay? Ok... Well, I DID notice, that since I've been daydreaming, that's when the shit hit the fan on the cars... Not they're in bad shape, now they're in GREAT shape...I still just... meh... it's over now... Let's now dwell...moving on? Okay... That's all really, not much else going on... Just day to day stuff... I love that we have internet now! My honey's imagination stirs much more than it has without it...so that's GREAT! I love it... I can't wait for the holidays and cool weather and pumpkin flavored everything! I already have some days off slated to be with my litto family...The big one asked if I had any days off that matched up with HER days off...aaawww... so fuck it.. I made it happen.. no rhyme or reason, sometimes you just need a week off with your hunny bunnies... Ok, rant is over... I'm done... all is well...
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