Monday, September 30, 2013

...Locking Up Single Parent Summer...

I have been "off" for over a month...  not gonna say sorry...just gonna say... I hate being right...

Or if you prefer another bumper sticker... I told you so, with a side of tongue sticking out and fingers in the ears...

But I digress...

Here we are, knee deep in third grade awesomeness, getting the hang of homework and awesomeness of third graders everywhere...  Thing 2 wishes she was BIG... like Tom Hanks 'n shit...  but alas... you are not... you are wee... you are in between 18months and 24 months in a land I like to call "They don't make clothes for you so you have to trip or be trapped".  The holidays... JESUS... Already saying "The Holidays?"  STFU Holidays!!!

I have NOT heard a Christmas song ANYWHERE yet...and I am enjoying that. 

I actually LIKE Christmas I'm not even going to go there...

Single Parent Summer:  over... done.. the book is read... closed, shelved until next year...

Gone is the paycheck that came with it and we are back on lock down.

Gone are the bustling HAWT days of frustration from sweat pouring down my burning red face, glasses falling off as I put The Things in the car for a ride to wherever, having to remember, "Let's leave before --- so we don't get stuck in the car in the heat, and lets go home AFTER dark..."

...and gone is the freedom of no homework...there is so much GROWN UP going on in the fall, winter and spring months... It's almost overwhelming....  It's responsibility at it's's grown up.  It's Mom and Dad and Kids...

...Gone are the quickie meals of Del Taco quesadillas and bean burritos and French fries.

...Gone is the excuse to get away with the aforementioned quickie meals...

And it couldn't come at a better time!  It's been a particularly trying summer.  There have been a lot of financial responsibilities to handle, much more than usual...  the savings we saved from the tax return are GONE...  the savings I have saved since the first of the year when I wrote my budget are pretty much gone too...I am saving less even cause I am RESPONSIBLE and went with the 401k...I might even just up the bitch so I can hold onto SOME of our money...  BUT... I digress...

The financial setbacks we came across were due to the unexpected things that come with owning a home and having cars that are NOT new, but still, with the repairs and things needed on both, it's still less than HALF what we would have spent on car payments, insurance and registration on new vehicles... so we are still WINNING!  I have a few bucks on top of last years we're good.  Plus, I got to a point this year where I'm like, Fuck it.  You can't take it with you.  I have a savings.  I was able to write checks and swipe the card when some people would be hocking furniture... so I'm not gonna complain.  I'm go home and be happy...after my nervous breakdown.

Next summer, I can't wait.  If The Things come along as they atleast SHOULD...  it should be stellarly better than this summer... yeah, stellarly, don't look it up, it's MY word and it doesn't exist but in my head.

I am already eagerly anticipating cooking dinner for the four of us, putting daddy's in a lovely container for when he gets home from the game, rinse, repeat.

I was not able to do that this past summer.  I had THAT kid...the one that takes a village to raise.. Yeah, that one.  and I don't have a village... my village is too far...  so we make one summer, out of The Thing's lives, we cheated...  and it was fun...

Next summer... no cheating... It more than likely will not be necessary and I am already looking forward to it.  Meanwhile, hello FALL!  I missed you!  Take off your coat and stay awhile!  No really, take off your damn coat cause it's effing hot outside still.

I must say it has definitely leveled off and I can't wait to put my floor fan away for the season! It's happening sooner than later.  I still have a month or two before I will need to replace my furnace filter and I even had a lower SCE bill than I budgeted for according my last year's budget.  Thanks for coming in under a lot of my budget, I was actually able to put a chunk of money away and still leave room for all the bills I have slated to pay with this check AND Thing 1's dental work....  SO MUCH dental work.. I feel so horrible.

My mouth is awful, my mister's mouth is AWFUL... so I had to know that our damn kids would have horribly yucky mouths... poor babes...  all I can do is harp on them to brush their teeth and take them in for check ups  when I'm supposed to... doesn't make it any less painful to watch...  So this is basically a rant... a ramble... about how summer is over, fall is beginning with awesome weather we usually don't see until October is almost over and we scoped out a rad place that we might be able to go apple picking at before the season is over...this is very exciting to me.

We have been here 4 years, and we finally explored!  I don't like to explore alone, and I don't' count we don't' like to explore alone as it were... so we dragged Ma, my sis's and their entourages out to the middle of nowhere, a mile high...and BOOM...  it was like a different state! Definitely not what people think when they think "California" but Ma's worldly beau said the sage brush was a dead giveaway... cause he's a smart dude like that and that's why we like him! 

With more time at home and more time to do his extra curricular activities, I have noticed my Mister is a slightly happier Mister.  I say slightly cause he was already happy and it's hard to improve on perfection :)  Don't get me wrong he can be a pain in the ass sometimes...but it's one of those things where it doesn't bug me cause I would miss it in a heart beat if I didn't have it anymore...aawwww.... 

I think that wraps it up...

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