Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Come On In! The Water's Fine!!!!

As the caretaker of the pool of my life...I am happy to say the pH level is perfectly balanced...

There is a black hole that is created in the universe around a certain time of year every year... something about the timing of birthday after birthday in the summer, school starting, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and the K.O being Christmas and New Year's one whole week away from each other...  Just writing that exhausts me...

PLUS:  We have had the added bonus of a fourth wheel to complete our caravan of crazy so it may mozy down the road of the rest of our lives...  Marysuwho a.k.a The Terrible Teether.  Our kids are 99% awesome.  Harley's 1% is her eating habits.  She eats like a bird... I have a hard time shoving nutrition down her throat without her gagging it up.  Marysu...  teething.  She didn't sleep all night from an early age like her big sis...because she started teething earlier and actually produced teeth insanely early!  Teeth didn't even occur to us but about a million other ailments did... Harley teethed, I guess...  I mean she HAS teeth, so obviously they came in right?  Nobody really took notice.. They just showed up one day.  This one, it affects her eating habits and she gets the horrifically watery diarrhea... and sleeplessness...  very little sleeping...lots of tossing and turning and discomfort.  But now that she went through the big long stretch and has 8 teeth it's a once in a while type of thing and she has one night... not NIGHTS... no plurals...

And now that you've been disgusted by mom life... :)

I move on to the rest... the rest is good.  I am extremely happy to be boring right now.  We've done the exciting thing... I got a new planner at the first of the year realizing, " Holy Crap! It's New Year's Day and I have nothing new to write all of the ... nothing?  Nothing????  Really?!?!  No new stuff?!"  I was appalled... I looked in January of my 2012 planner.  If I hadn't known better I would have sworn I just got bored and scribbled on every single day, but that was not the case.  There were more days with "stuff" on them than not.

How does that happen?  It's a blur, truly, so don't ask me.. I'm the worst source... But Choners, he remembers it like it was yesterday... He does that... reason #153 why I loves him so's muches...

I'm NOT about to sit here and "catch up" with what has gone on since October... I doubt very many read this that don't know me... I'm not about to bore anyone to death.  I already have all those other bodies I buried to worry bout, no sense adding to my conscience... heh...

We are planning the big 1st birthday... the ever saddening truth revealing itself that it is more than likely the LAST 1st birthday.  So we're doing it up the way we want and it's gonna be a badass good ole family time...  I can't wait.  I am dying to see the family.  It's been far too long! 

I went to Target on my lunch, again... cause I needed an excuse to get out of the office and check out the $2.50 rugs they have...and everyone needs a rug covered in shamrocks...just sayin.

So my awesome other half and I have this awesome game of awesomeness...  Dream Casting... Take a movie, usually a cult classic type of film...and recast it with the "If you could get ANYONE now to play those roles who would it be"  I think I am going to start a new series of blogs called "Dream Cast: blahblahblah"  I think after I finish this half-assed attempt to play catch up and make myself feel better, I will start it...

That being said... Yeah there's really nothing else going on with this end.  Now that we are coming up on the one year mark, I am having some self realizations that I had when Harley was a year old.  There are changes that occur when you add children to your life.  I guess it's the amount of things that you realize you don't do or do differently and HOW much that bothers you is the real question.  With us, we realize there are things we do differently, but it's the business of birthing childrens...  We accept it so easily and it's not that we MISS these things... it's just different now...and then there's the REST of our lives to get it back. 

Like painting.  I love painting.  It's not some passion, like, I'm NOT the Laird Hamilton of painting.  I'm not winning pro-ams and I certainly don't get depressed when I can't paint and boo hoo... I am biding my time because I see the light at the end of the tunnel.  I just can't paint right now.  And not that I "CAN'T" either, I could, but I choose not too because I would rather avoid the possible frustration that I could be met with trying the double duty of toddler and paint...I will though.  I painted when Harley was little.  Nap times are MAGICAL! And same as sleeping time.  Kids go to sleep earlier than us because we need some alone time to discuss the day and have our moment.  Even when our moment is met over a load of laundry on a neatly made bed.  Often, that is when Daddy hits the exer-bike and I take a shower.  One day, I won't want to take a shower.  I will want to paint.  But right now, like, right right now... I want to sit on the couch and watch my girls play with their Christmas Little People... 

Those moments last only so long.  One day, I'm going to sit and listen to them bitch about how "she's got her SHIT ON MY BED!!!  YOU'RE A SLOB" and I'm not completely deluded into thinking that they're going to be angels to each other all the time like they are now.  So I want to soak it all in now...  have nice, long, crisp memories to hold onto... That way, I can have a nice doped look on my face when they try to get me on one of their sides and have to snap their fingers to get me to come which time I will say, "Uhm, yeah... it's not my problem, fix it yourselves without pain or blood and we'll talk about it when your dad comes home..."  heh...

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