Thursday, January 31, 2013

A Soon-to-be Former Hoardita...

Many who know me well could classify me as a mediochre grade hoarder.  I am well aware of this fact.  But as all hoarders will, I defent my piles of crap.  They are collectables, they are sentimentality incarnate...  "I'm going to use that!" or "I know what I want to do with that, I just can't do that right now..."...  the latter actually DOES happen though...

And what's more fantastic about my hoarding? 

My hubby...

I have all this stuff in our house and I am married to man with a photographic memory.  That being said, when I am racking my brain for a How To Use something I often turn to my voice of reason...which is OUTSIDE of my head...thank GOD...

I was going through a moment recently (still going through it actually) and I wanted to toss the CRAP... and for some reason my sights got set on my crafting stuff...  That day it was crap and it was in my must be expunged! 

But then came hubby...and he said "Cleaning's nice and all, I'm a big believer in it, but you're gonna regret this someday soon..."  I set my sights on something else and left the crafts alone.

When Harley lost her first tooth last summer we all were thinking "Woo hoo!!"  But my Woo Hoo turned into uh-oh when my fourth dimensional thinking kicked into gear in a way I couldn't explain if I tried...  When that happens, it's like "Inception" basically...  So I went from, "Aww my baby lost her first tooth" to "do I give her a quarter? a dollar? a half dollar? where the hell is she going to spend a half dollar and what if she thinks it is cool and wants to keep it and doesn't want to spend it and her piggy bank hole will not support a half dollar and what if she loses it under pillow in her room and her room is a mess and then I have to go in there undetected after she's asleep and play needle in the haystack in her room and it's gonna be dark and the baby will be sleeping and there wont' be any way that I can get in there and rummage under her pillow and her piles of blankets for a little tiny puppy tooth and how the hell did my mom do this for two kids two years apart and slip in and out of our rooms undetected and be so ninja and..."


We had pillows...we had tooth fairy pillows...little tiny heart shaped white lacey pillows with little tiny white lacey pockets to hold said treasure post tooth pick up... the dollar.  I caved and went dollar.  Inflation ya know? 

A pillow was a must...  A MUST... so I said all that to say this...

Side 2...One Ruffle... I know...

Side 1 The Pocket Side

Because I am a hoarder, I was able to go into a pile of my crapting and pull out the goodies needed to perform a miracle in thirty minutes.  I made a tooth fairy pillow that was able to go under the bed THAT night and ta-da!  was replaced with a crispy folded dollar bill ...  Thing 1 was so pleased with her new pillow she started working on her second tooth...which came out soon after... Now she is NOT pleased because her teeth are in a falling out holding pattern it seems.  OH well... 

I am STILL looking for areas to thin.  It's odd owning our own house now.  We aren't moving anywhere any time soon and when we would be not so much packing up things, but putting them away is when we do the really big CLEAN.  There are gems I am finding myself needing to hold onto, for now.  I have a box of oil paints that were my Gma Mary's and they've lost their viscosity and I don't like oil painting...GARBAGE!  It feels good to clean and organize and empty drawers!!  I can't wait til we can NOT feel the need so much anymore... One day... but not today ...

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