Thursday, March 29, 2012

My Daddy was from Akransas!!

Not really, he was from Akron, OH...Try to keep up...  I quote movies and TV shows ALOT...  In the show Roseanne, the Crystal is checking up on Jackie because Jackie is taking care of the kids while Roseanne is with their parents in Moline.  Jackie gets pissed that she's there to check on her cause she doesn't think she can handle three kids and they get into a tiff and Jackie picks on Crystal "What's with that accent by the way? You grew up in Lanford, just like us."  Crystal retorts and Jackie chimes in right along with her "My Daddy was from Arkansas!" and she storms off...I love that moment...

It always makes me laugh at Crystal, and Anchonio always looks at me as if to say "WHAT the hell are you laughing at?  You do the same thing..."  And apparently I do.  Countless people have asked me where I come from...after we're done laughing at "My Mom's" it comes down to my explaining I don't know that I don't talk like every single solitary other Californian..apparenlty I don't though...  News to me...really...  My FAMILY however, not all from California...The Aunts (my maternal grandmother's sisters, we call them the aunts) hail from Newton, does my mother's whole side...  My generation was all born in CA...  Wait...yup, they were.  My grandma and her sisters have a very subtle twang to their speech. 

Speech...  oh my goodness...  Part of why I think I sound a touch different from  most is due to my year in speech therapy.  I don't even remember that poor woman's name except to say that she sat with me every day of Kindergarten and a few days of 1st grade while all the other Kindergarteners were Jazzercising with Mickey and the horrible music coming from the classroom record player.  In 1st grade, I was missing nothing.  If I can't remember it now, it probably wasn't important then, right?  Right.  My Choners had the same affliction!  Really...  he did!  And upon finding we were definitely having a family, we automatically accepted the possibilities ahead...  Speech therapy classes (ME), Asthma (US), bad eyesight (ME), bad teeth (US), childhood obesity (HIM), enlarged heart (HIM)... once we made the list, Antonio decided that maybe kids weren't such a good idea... let's get an animal.  I had a bird once...  ONCE... and now we have two girls.  So guess which experience was more fulfilling? 


I just thought about this on the commute this morning...  As I was talking to my buddy in Vegas... we talk on the way in to work and on my way out everyday...thank you AT&T free mobile to mobile.  And it hit me...  "My Daddy was from Arkansas"...and I just couldn't stop thinking about the speech class and that poor woman that made me say "Bear" and "Girl" over and over again, showing me pictures in her stupid flip book.  I KNOW what a Bear is, dumb ass, I just can't SAY the shit...  let's stay on topic!  It was a different version of the people that YELL at foreigners...Yelling, yeah, it won't make them understand English..  That's why I don't really believe in yelling at kids...  It's not going to make them smarter...  You'll just hurt their little ears.  So if you want to hurt them, make it psychological damage instead.  It lasts longer and the scars and bruises stay on the inside and take years before anyone of importance will notice..haha, just kidding. But not really.

Still working in the somber wake of losing someone we know, we trudge forward towards the weekend which promises family awesomeness.  I hope...  My father in law has ALS, Lou Gehrig's disease...  He is in the final stages and we know we will be losing him soon.  My poor hubby :(  After my coworkers son, I went home last night, kissed my chitlins, hugged the choner's for what felt like forever and thought to myself that my darling Father in law is next because these things happen in threes...they ALWAYS do.  And he pretty much has a reserved table.  This morning I got a call once I got in to work from him that his dad was being admitted to the local chop shop, er, hospital. I haven't gotten a call  yet and I'm hoping no news is good news.  But my being the sole provider, my honey makes odd decisions sometimes about what can and can't wait for me to come home.  Fine, I'll wait.  I'm sure things are fine, fine as they can be for him in this situtation.  We'll see...  other than that, today was pretty status quo...hope for more of the same tomorrow.

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