So, I have always wanted to start a blog...It's just that I have a hard time reminding myself that there is no perfect time for anything...My theory always is, though, that there is a "better" time maybe, but a perfect time? No. Never. I didn't want to start this when I wanted to a few years ago because I didn't want to be come uber super obsessed about something new and unknowingly allow things to fall to the wayside. Even though I like to pride myself on my ability to consciously NOT do that, I still have the fear that I will allow it.
I didn't want to do it when my Dad died because I didn't want it to be all about what a wonderful man he was, wonderfully flawed...but wonderful...
I didn't want to do it when my mom was married to my ex-step monster because I plan to right a book on that one day and no one will be stealing my ideas thank you very much.
I didn't want to do it when I got married, wedding blogs can bore ME...imagine what mine would have been like...
Didn't want to when I got pregnant with my first daughter, the baby blogs can bore me too...
imagine how they can bore others?
When my mom got divorced, when I bought my house, when I was expecting my second and so that I feel like I am at a new starting point I feel that this is the time.
Though why today? Today is not the perfect day either, but it's a good day. It's a good day because I found this morning that my coworkers son was killed on his skateboard last night... wait...what?!?! That makes it a good day?? Yes. It makes it the perfect day...and I will tell you why. And know this, I do not write in correct essay format. I am not writing a book. Were I writing a book, (which I do on my sparest of time) it would look much fancy-shmansier. But I write for myself the way that I talk... In a rant...with deal with it.
Moving on, I realized again for the millionth time that I am thankful for the few losses I have suffered in my life...that they have been expected losses... grandparents, aunts, uncles, distant cousins twice removed, parents (albeit too soon), but no siblings...certainly no children. Jesus... (and I take the Lord's name, I'll apologize later, leave me alone). Currently I know no one who's lost a child... I know OF people...but I've never had anyone close to me, that I see 8 hours a day...who brings their kids in to work to show them off...This is fresh new territory... Again...fresh new starts. Today is the first day of the rest of the life of this man. I can relate to that part. I can SO relate to that part.
In other news, I am a new mom (again) and it's excellent. It feels like it didn't even happen. It's great! I am slowly but surely remembering the less sleep...the constant care at this stage. I am constantly reminding myself "it doesn't last forever". Because it doesn't. I am married to a stay at home dad. He's rad. That's all you need to know at this point. It just made sense for us in our situation. That's all. He actually loves it. There are moments...MOMENTS...when he doesn't love it. Fine...there are moments when I don't love it. They don't last long and before you even realizing you are wishing someone would come in with fairy dust and make your kids dissappear for a minute, the moment has passed and you are back to taking too many pictures and making googly eyes at your precious sack of flour that can't move because they are too small to do anything but eat, poop, cry and sleep... and not always in that order.
I hope not to use this as a sounding board or soap box...I don't usually DO that I doubt that I will...but just a happy little pip of a few funny -isms here and there that might make people laugh.
I might get a little deep, but for the most part I'll be keeping things in the kiddie pool until I get more familiar with this here blogging contraption... Meanwhile, welcome to what will hopefully turn out to be the mediocre misgivings of a Pepper, a Choni, and their two mickspanic chillrens... (well aware of how I spelled that).
Scooter Pie Face
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