I am getting what I have come to know as "The Circle Of Life" across my computer screen...and when that happens at work there is literally nothing I can do since we have become a "paperless" company...wanna know the true irony of that? It was my idea... I was the one that went into the offices of the people that make the decisions and stated that we were drowning in our own paper fecal waste and it was a travesty and we needed to end this now... that was 9 years ago.. 9 years ago when the computer went down at work I caught up on filing and helped other people do projects that required a certain amount of paper and paperwork.... now...nothing... eerything stops when the circle of life starts turning and doesnt stop...and thanks to the situation at the ports we are not bringing in any products so we can not bill any products so we can not collect money on any products so who is supposed to pay the IT to go fix these machines? Circle of Life...
I know there are worse things going on in the world today so I refuse to say that the last nearly two weeks has been devastating but you know what... to us in our situtation in our shoes it certainly felt devastating... our music hard drive fell to a harsh death on a tile floor and the data can not be recovered... the new car suffered at the wrath of an unrelenting pothole that required a completely new tire... the car i drove to work instead had maintance required lights a go-go... so i basically SHAT 900 bucks what with planned and unplanned doctor visits and car shite. Wonderful. Our tax refund is already on its way and we cant help but redefine its parameters. The jump it will give our savings account is very much welcome. Everytime i look at the now much lower balance due to inclimate weather i throw up in my mouth a little...everytime.
Just now i went and checked to make sure...yep..still vomit worthy.
But hey, not a lot of people can say "I had a problem and I handled it right away," right? Right.
But it would be nice if Thing 1 had told us right away she thought she broke her wrists so we could get her into her dr right away and that xrays could have been taken right away...instead of drawing this out for 10 days... a blue cast on the left arm later and we are half way to healing. Seeing your kid in a cast is not something I recommend, for the record.
The house is as "together" as its going to be for right now. Not that money is the issue, i decided when it comes to the house, screw it and write the checks...no its the discombobulation that comes with having the house upside down. I dont like that. The kids arent fans and neither is the mister. So we are waiting on further house To Do Lists.
I have mentioned before we do not do Valentines Day and with Thing 1 getting older is more and more apparent that she notices this trend. We decided that we are going to make Valentines Day family day. So now, there will be a bad ass home cooked meal and baked goodies of the red heart persuasion and maybe a stuffed animal and stickers for the kiddies. Thing 1 likes the stuff...she likes the ambiance of the hearts and cupids. And although she understands after explaination that her dad and I dont need one day a year to show our love and appreciation, doesnt mean that there arent some cute things to be had during that one time a year.
Chugging along with my Goodreads and my cross stitch.. So glad my cousin lit that fire for me again. Hers are those dirty double entenďras kinds of cross stitching whereas mine are slightly more tame, but its a nice break from crochet which I also am still doing. I blame the tablet for the poor grammar due entirely to the fact that I am not used to this tiny keyboard yet. I have been eye balling a slightly larger and much more capabel tablet as of late, but seein as how devastating our week was and the end of last year I will probably wait on that for awhile later.
Choni has some great ideas to expand his production business and might start focusing on his you tube channel. The stadium just picked him up for another year and with the weather we are experiencing here right now it is a wonder why I cant just up and go to a ball game tomorrow! Seriously, I now the East is buried in snow, but its equally unnatural to be out on a beautifully sunny day and theres no baseball to speak of...none... zero. Its sad. I hate it. Im sure we'll find ways to fill our time, though.
Anyhoo, thats all from this end. With all the Choni storyboarding his new project there hasnt been much Dream Casting talk lately which is a little sad when I think about it, but when I think about his project he is working on I love it. He is so excited about it and the excitement is so contagious that even though we had a shitty week I still dont really feel that bad.
I wonder though if what I do feel is residual... or maybe thats not the right word. Maybe obligatory...because when bad shit happens we are groomed to feel shitty about it... but you know what? I am really tired of feeling shitty. I am. I wanted to cry and get mad over Thing 1s arm(s)...but in the same breathe I was thinking how tired I am of feeling shitty...so heres to not feeling shitty and just getting over stuff that you have zero control over and rolling with the punches ever so slightly more than before. Work is crazy insane and my time is getting more and more eaten up life things... and again... I notice,, but Im not upset.
But I am a litte and I have to ask myself am I upset out of obligation or am i truly upset about it? Sometimes it feels like if I dont get upset about not blogging, does that make me flakey to be so flippant about something I started and am not finishing? But there is no FINISH, there is just END. One day I will end this when I feel like, when it is time to move on...and the reason i do it is because I have a voice that is hard to be heard when I am in an office 9 hours a day and on the road an hour and a half a day and with my kids three hours and then dedicating the remaining hour to my sweet darling mr. Other half... I tried writing for myself again, but it hurts my hands SOmuch more than actually typing things out...and my brain has an issue with typing things and not sending them into the void... so one day i will get over all my crazy and do something else..
And if any of that made sense, you might want to see a psychiatrist... not that I would know anything about that...
Happy Thursday and have a pleasant tomorrow...
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