I feel like our house had a major surgery... piece by piece, scar by scar, laughter begetting more laughter... we are becoming WHOLE again...
Christmas was good to us, in the sense that we had one...
However, my 2014 would not be complete without a sickness for my planned vacation...
Oh ye gods! Thank you!
I call bullshit... every time we have tried to plan time together for any length of time I get something wrong with me... Sick, ill, call it what you will... it sucks. I did get through the entire SERIES of How I Met Your Mother... Ithankyou...
It was, in fact, legen-wait-for-it...DARY!
I have been yelled at for years about not watching the show, and now I can tell you all to suck it cause I watched it, it was wonderful, and now we're moving on to other things...because not only does it now remind me of the great flood/renovation of 2014, it reminds me of how I was sick on Christmas, AGAIN...
You know, sometimes, change is a really good thing folks.
We had our company christmas party and might I say, it was great. I was just great to sit in the front Lobby, phones off... but ringing that initial ring that takes them to voicemail in such a way that you would swear it was Howie chiming in... "That could be an order!", he would say if he were here... and he was...
We had a great weekend considering... we had a nice night Friday the 19th, Saturday was nice, Sunday was Christmas with Gma and it was lovely... Then I woke up Monday to the ever dreaded sore throat/swollen glands... I felt feverish and chilled... I went down drastically in a matter of hours and had to go home. Tuesday, stayed home and went to the dr. Got two doses of anti-viral in me and went to work Wednesday for our ever appreciated and fantastic half day for Christmas Eve, went home and we had a Turkey dinner! Our first ever Turkey Dinner for our family on Christmas Eve when it was JUST US FOUR! Actually, come to think of it, it was our first ever dinner on Christmas Eve with just me n Choni. It's always been Christmas Eve at the In Laws, Christmas Day at my Ma's... Funny... talk about breaking free from tradition, that was holding strong 14 years! Hah!
Anyhoo, woke up Christmas Day after the neighbors decided to party ALL NIGHT... and into some of the morning... Until I picked up my handy phone with the handy list of contacts...one in particular being our County Sheriffs... Yeah! I'm THAT CHICK! SO WHAT!! I'm ALL FOR parties man, and I know Christmas Eve is a biggie for some people... BUT REALLY?!? 3AM!!! And I don't mean the song! I shut that fucker down@!@#%#$@%$#@
Christmas Day I woke up sicker... I stayed on the couch while the kids ripped open their second batch of gifts, I saw awe and wonderment in what was probably the "smallest" Christmas ever and I felt great afterwards (emotionally). We got up our things together and made the trek to Noni's for third Christmas and had another great time, more yummy food stuffs and we even got to take some home :) My sis and bro in law and their (combined) 4 childrens were there, a houseful of kids. What my Ma always wanted! As the day went on, I was feeling less awesome.
I woke up Friday to the ickiest of ickinesses and I called my dr's office. Told them how I was feeling and what was new and was gone and they called me in a Rx. I then proceeded to have a couch bound Christmas break/ New Year's. I STILL don't feel 100%.
I feel like I need to sleep a few more days. I over do it the second I feel well. That's a big problem for me. But I can't help it, I feel like such a slug when I'm sick!! I hate that feeling... that there are things to do and I'm not doing them.
But here we are, new year, new gear. I am thinking that I am much more accepting already of the new year than ever. I wanted to be done with 2014 so badly. Generally there is a time frame that I go through where things need to be gotten used... Happy to report, writing out that 2015 comes much more naturally than any year ever! 2015...FLOWS LIKE A RIVER FROM MY PENS!! Wonderful... I had a busy busy busy super busy Monday and today was much more doable... I had much more coffee too, so I'm sure that had NOTHING to do with it! hehe...
Well, it's that time kids...gotta warsh out my mug and make the trip to the loo before my long trip home... I need to write a note to myself to tell you about the great Purge... no not that mediocre movie... we did our own purging during the great renovation and it felt great! Loved it!
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