Generally, I don't find myself being one to use golf terms... but...
Last weekend, NOT the best weekend. Not that anyone died, or went bankrupt, or anything... maybe something INSIDE them died, and maybe someone went EMOTIONALLY bankrupt... again... NOT the best weekend.
And even though the disturbing and upsetting events didn't necessarily happen to ME or Choni, they affected (infected) our family unit just the same. ... Because we care dammit!
Choni's got some upsetting news about his friend...that made him blah.
We went for a visit with my mother-in-law on saturday and basically dropped Thing 1 off with her to spend the night...and then Sunday was a blah day... the kind of day where you have a list of things to do...and there's 5 day things to do...and all 5 of those things don't go either A)The way they were supposed to B)The way you atleast hoped they would C)Didn't go at ALL.
But it wasn't my list it was my mom's, but I was there as one thing after another did NOT get checked off on a day that was already sucking for her.
So, Monday, we awoke, getting ready for the first after the time change, which also leaves everyone in a state of blah. The morning became dark again. That does not help my family of four get jazzed for the mornings... We were late getting up and getting out of the house... the next day we were less late...the next day we were on time, this morning, we were early. Yay us. It only took us 4 days to get this down...
But Monday when we got up, and the maddening tornado of "Move! I'm late!" started...and in between the lines we knew... we knew our weekend pretty much sucked... it did... it sucked... I wanted a do-over... I think we deserve it. The way things have been on a bit of an upswing for us and we've doing our due diligence as good adults and grown ups and members of society... we deserve a good weekend... a weekend full of good, positive, awesome vibes...
Not to put the pressure on , but we will get what we want!! Ha-haaa!
The plans for this weekend are starting to come together into something that one way or another, we will get things checked off our list, kids will be happy and we will go to sleep exhausted and way or another.
That being said: a little catch up-
Thing 1 does not require a parent/teacher conference for the spring (as usual) and I am happy about that! Thing 2 is talking her gibberish that gets more understandable each day. She says SO many things, yet it is total gibberish... A few words are clear as day. You can tell she wants to learn the words so badly and wants to communicate... One day, just like her sister, she'll be three years old, and Daddy and I will be on the cusp of a nervous breakdown from people telling us "She should be talking by now, my *insert toddler relative here* is just talking up a clear, concise, articulate storm of diction!" and then BOOM! Fully blown conversations will erupt over night. We're not worried, it's fine.
Thing 1 goes to an after school program and when she gets there, she is assigned a "teacher" and a "class room". It's held at her school, so there's no transporting needed and she's already in a place she is familiar. The staff is brought it in just for the after school program and if something happens with your child, these people will pull aside to talk to you. That's never happened to me yet, and I always see the staff talking to the parents and telling them that their kid got a warning, or is on a second warning, or that they have had enough warnings that they will be considering dropping them from the program... always negative... never positive. When I walked up to the room to get her the other day, a woman in a blue shirt rushed out the door to meet me and asked if I was Thing 1's mom...
ME: Uhm... yeah?
Miss B: OH Great! I'm Miss Brandy! I just LOVE having her in my class. She's a good reader. I mean, she reads VERY well..? **because it was almost a question...
ME: Yes, she really does. She reads all the time. I've read to her since she was very little and I read a lot, so she sees me do it and wants to be like Mommy, you know.
Miss B: She puts inflection and voices into the reading out loud that we do in class, it just amazes me. I just love her, she's so sweet!
ME: Yes, she really is.
Miss B: Well, it was GREAT to meet you finally! I hear so many good things from her about her mom and dad and little sister!
ME: **Trying NOT to hide the shock and awe* Good to meet you, too, thanks!
See what I mean? Things trod along just fine, and then a weekend of extreme less than mediocrity comes and bites us in the ass...and this after I spent a FULL week in bed with some such YUCKINESS i care NOT to ever repeat in my life and then another week of getting over that while trying to function at work and catch up...this week is REALLY the catch up week...
I got my lens in the mail and all my fun purchases I made with the tax return...not able to enjoy it at all for about a week due to's like someone getting something you can't have, but you know you can in a few days or a week, but you STILL can't have it right now and that just sucks... First world problems right? I know... sad but true... My new lens rocks!! It's a Tamron, my lil cuz says it's the Civic of lenses... sweetness. And I hate to admit how much of a different it really makes. Cause it does...and I hate that because it makes something so expensive so necessary.
Daddy is looking at lighting and backgrounds systems that we can both use. Funny how this is never how we intended to end up...a still and video photographer living under one roof**smiley face**
Ok, well that's enough from this end... I just felt like we had SUCH A BLAH WEEKEND!! MULLIGAN!!!!!
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