Tuesday, June 4, 2013

One Month in One Day....

... because that's what I feel like...

I have no excuses for myself to not have posted ANYTHING in just over a month...  We have been knee deep in life and since I am not a person who gets paid for this, I have had no good reason TO post anything either.

Thing 1's softball season is in FULL swing and we have her coach from her first season back which is good.  The whole family is on board with her coaches which makes it easier to sit there and watch Thing 1...and the REST of the team because there are no favorites... getting talked at and talked to and told to run laps, to the fence and back, do calisthenics and what have you and do this extra because you messed up and blahblahblahblah... 

Thing 2...TEETH... oy-to-the-vay...  The first set of molars all came in at ONCE... now it's EYE TEETH!!  One at a time, and they're killing us ALL...  a week on and a week off and now 3 days on, 4 days off, 7 days on and vacation...  that's daddy's schedule... that's awesome....  the team had a winning streak on the road and it made it such a great vibe when he went back to work last night...  Practice runs LATE, games run LATE... it's ALL LATE... fine.. we signed up for it and it doesn't even last that long... one more month and that's it...that's IT!!  Amazing... I just got the softball team picture... Harley said she thinks her picture gets better and better every year...

Well who am I to argue??  Of course she's right...cause she's the most beautifullest thing in the world :) 

Work has kept me running ragged, on my toes and constant state of OHMYGODOHMYGOD!!  Another reason for the silence... of course it always seems that when I found a moment to myself to jot anything down, I got sidetracked... such is life.

C'est la vie...

Fine fine fine...  Things are good though... pretty darn sweet if you ask me. 

Choni has a possible partner in crime to work with on possible short film projects which is fantastic for him.  Might even get into his videography business...  still waiting and seeing on that.  Fine fine fine. 

We had a super busy fun family filled weekend that I can't believe just happened...  I'm tired from it...really...but it was super awesome :)    I used a gift card from Christmas which is always a great accomplishment..  I got home from work one day last week and Choni had the whole garage cleaned out...  and now everything minus the yuck is back in it and it's so clean you can walk around in there now!

I almost got internet at home, but Verizon kept that from happening.. bastards...

Probably a good thing because it's the one thing keeping me as the only person I know without a tablet.  Oddly enough something my almost-8-year-old likes to point out on an almost daily basis... Hard to raise children in this technobabble world...

So many things coming up and happening I can't wait.  CAN'T.WAIT!

My bestie, her woman, and my merry band of miscreants are planning an amazing trip to NY..  No city for us, I have gone enough for two lifetimes and my honey has seen and edited enough footage to last him... so we're good on that...  I want to lounge on Lake George...  if I can do that holding my main squeeze's hand with my kids splashing in crisp clean lake water... I'll be a happy camper!!

I have been forced to abandon the Nail Polish challenge for a short period of time.  As a result of my stressball-loseriness, I have chewed my nails to nubs and am in the process of de-uglifying them.  Until that has passed, no news on that front. 

There is a two day trek to the Emerald City on which we stop halfway and see some kin folk, a possible stay from Kid Sister, a possible stay from my niece...  but we'll see... still ALOT of summer to go.  Thing 1 just got out of school and she is already ready to go back...

And since our dog was put down, she has been asking for a low maintenance pet of somekind...so there is THAT to look forward to.  I am a little curious myself to see how that will play out...

Our little one has proven to be such an amazing addition to our family, she makes us laugh and smile everyday..sometimes, just sometimes, we want to pull our hair out. But that's MOSTLY to do with the damned teeth...DAMMIT!! 

Not a day, NOT ONE DAY, goes by where, if we are in public, someone comments on the cuteness of the wee one...and then immediately on the big sister... 

I got some answers on my foot pain and now that I know what it is and it has a name, the healing can begin... any time now... ANY TIME...  It's not going to fix itself over night, there are things I need to do to ease the pain and help correct it, but I have had more good days than bad days in three months, so I can't really complain...

I need to take Thing 1 to do the dentist this summer, and after I have been there and dropped way too much money on MY mouth, I am totally not going to forget to do that with her!!  damn teeth....

Allergies are rampant this year already... no sooner I read an article about how bad it's going to be I start to feel the beginnings of discomfort...I have already bought a new fresh bottle of Benadryl for Thing 1 and I to share. 

I am getting a cut AND a color before I got on vacation which I couldn't be MORE excited about if I tried because I never get to do both at once between MY schedule and the hair chicks' schedule... My new rule of thumb, if I can put my hair in a rubberband, it's too long!

The way things have gone lately, I'm just glad we have cars that run and a house... and food.  food is always good.  unless it's tofu... I fucking hate tofu...

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