...Cause it is! Sorry Sam... I must say, I never really like overly hyped movies...so when we went to see Spider-Man in the theater after ALL THAT HYPE, I don't know what I enjoyed less...the 2 dimensional characters, the effects heavy scenes, the mediocre acting... what? And then, to reboot a movie franchise who's body isn't even cold yet? That urked out that last movie almost as an after thought? I was against a reboot. I rejected... I didn't want any part of it... And luckily I am married to a man that has the ability to turn on a movie just for turning on a movie's sake...
Me, not so much...and he knows that...and he knows that I know he knows that...so if he sees a movie and thinks I'll like it, he'll talk me up on it...sell me on it as it were. And I was pretty sold on seeing the newer version by the weekend... and see it we did... and...WOW.. I'm just... I just... really? I didn't hate it?!?!
Three dimensional characters! ONE villain! Home made webshooters! Arc for the next film! No Mary Jane! And Peter is a smart kid and we don't just have to take someone's word for it... we are shown...he's pretty genius... he was before he got bit by the radioactive spider... I liked that his Uncle didn't die until the second act! And that his Aunt isn't a crippled, delicate OLD woman... I like Sally Field better and I like that she's got chutzpah! I liked what they did with Flash... he calmed down towards the third act. And just as I thought I was going to be pissed at Gwen Stacy showing up at the end after her dad makes Peter Parker promise not see her... she says her speech that is a tad too close to that "I TRUSTED YOU! YOU LIED TO ME!" drama pause in A LOT of flicks, she turns... "He made you promise didn't he?" I loved that they did that move!! It's so true!! Says so much about how their story will be handled or actually NOT handled because I think I read somewhere that they are actually going to bring in MJ in the next installment... eh... so anyways... I was really happy with the new Spidey franchise possibilities. I feel like this is a total revamp and that we won't be seeing the same ol shit... Although I must say, I think the part I enjoyed most about the last three films was Willem Defoe and James Franco... I know...right??
The only thing is that now I feel like Jim Caviezel in "Frequency"... I wish I didn't have to remember the Raimi version of Spiderman AND the new one... but I do...and after a while I'm gonna feel like JC with having the two memories and one a little clearer than the other because I am going to need no recollection of the other franchise, I will just about have tossed it aside like an alternate memory of a timeline that no longer exists...
Bring on more Amazing Spider Mans!! Or Spider Men?? Whichever...
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