Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I spell work P-R-O-C-R-A-S-T-I-N-A-T-I-O-N...

I am a worker bee, absolutely.  I love my job, too...  I know, right?!?  Sounds like a match made in heaven... Unfortunately my scanner is broken.  It works, partially.  And because it works partially, it still works in the eyes of management and therefore is a reason to NOT replace it.  I would break it fully, but then I would get is my luck.  The only work I have left to do right now is to scan and attach documents into our I decided as a result...  NOT to... 

Instead I bring you a cheerful little ditty about my Harley:

Thing 1 comes in to me a week or two ago and says, "Hey Mom: You know Flamingos?" 

Me: "What...Like personally?"

H: No...duh...but you know Flamingos?  Those big pink birds?

Me: of course, I was just kidding.  I know Flamingos.  Why?

H: I like them.  They're pink.

Me:  Awesome.  So, what's your point?

H: I want a Flamingo birthday party.

Me: Interesting...  so now you like Flamingos?

H:  Well yeah!  Because they're PINK!

Oy to the Vay...

This is going to get interesting to say the least.  Harley has a memory like her dad.  Photographic and elephant-like.  You have to be careful what is said around her because she will hold you to it, or bring it up, or some such embarassing incident will occur.  Fine, I have learned to deal with it.  What I am saying is, that we are months from her birthday and I might as well start looking for Flamingo stuff because DAMN!  She will bring it up again and again.  And I can't just walk into the store and get Flamingo stuff.  I will probably have to work on some online magic.  I usually don't do the online thing when I purchase.  I like stores, I like being around people, I like going in and smelling and touching. 

Also in the realm of Harleyness:  the kid eats like a bird. 
This is a problem for me because even as a picky kid, I ate more variety of foods than she does.  I am slowly but surely adding different foods into her diet.  And she is so silly about it.  I serve her a food and she asks,"Mom what is this food?"  I tell her and she asks,"Have I had it before?" and I answer.  And if the answer is yes she retorts,"Do I like it?" to which the answer is ALWAYS yes in a ploy to get her to put it in her mouth and atleast get one bite down before she makes her decision.  This has been working fairly well so far.  I am a fan, really.

Yesterday and today I have been forcing full bowls of cereal with milk on her.  Usually she wakes up and has just enough time to get ready for school and choke down some dry cereal in a baby size bowl or a pop tart a la daddy.  I have been getting her up extra early, getting her to dress quickly and meet me at the dining table for a hearty bowl of honey nut cheerios.  So we have our breakfast together.  This is good.  She tries to keep up with me and eats bigger bites and has an easy time of it.  She is using our size spoons and bowls now, I have completely weened her of her character tablewares.  She hardly noticed. 

Harley hardly noticed any of those changes as a baby, and now as a kid.
As a baby Harley was not a binky baby.  She never caught on to the pacifier phenomenon and I couldn't have been happier.  When it came to going from bottle to sippy cup...easy peezy, lemon squeezey.  Going from her crib to a toddler bed and shortly after that a big girl bed... no problemo.  Potty training was a task, but we learned later that had more to do with her own bodily functions not functioning right as opposed to ill-fated theory.  And now, she is eating a fuller breakfast...  she takes change very well...  Yay for us!  Also, our morning routine has changed somewhat with our latest addition...

It used to be that I would wake up, get myself dressed and such and have enough time to help Harley get ready while Daddy made both our lunches.  When I had gestational diabetes, he had to ad "Make Ashley Breakfast" to that task and I got fresh quesadillas every morning because there aren't any real breakfasty foods allowed on that diet.  

Now, tis different my friends.  Now I wake up earlier, wake Harley up, get us breakfast, make our lunches... Daddy has baby time.  I would happily take baby time, but baby time encompasses one task... the baby...  And when Daddy is tired or hasn't slept well because of said baby, he forgets things...  milk in the cereal...the spoon...  the cereal...  cheese in the sandwich...honey in harley's pb and honey sandwich...fruit snacks... granola bars.. spoons..  basically things get left out.  So we have made the bait and switch and it be working just fine :)  Daddy is still tired. haha, like Clark Griswold...he gets weird when he gets tired.  Everything turns into one great big joke and he laughs at nothing...  it's great entertainment for me and Harley... Mary was even laughing at him last night.  She has good taste :)  such is a day in the life of us... 

And I wouldn't trade it for nuthin!!  Yay! 

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