Monday, April 9, 2012

Donna wants to be a lumberjack when she grows up...

In "That 70's Show", Jackie is always looking to be famous, or even a model.  She gets suckered into going to a scam modeling agency and Jackie thinks it's the real deal.  The woman doing the scamming is checking Jackie out and asks for her money...then she looks at Donna and asks if SHE wants to be a model to which Jackie replies...

And Donna says, "Stop TELLING people THAT!"

When I was in high school, my friend Lores used to tell me I was going to be a serial killer librarian when I grew up.  And this is what she based it on...
when I was in middle school I had a mouth like a sailor.  One day my Pop is hearing me talk to one of my foulmouthed hooligan friends on the phone and he just looks at me...At this point in our relationship, Pop doesn't really care that I was using "that" language, just if I did it around friends of the family and family...  basically everyone that wasn't him...Fine...I respected the SHIT out of that..heh..
I got off the phone and he asked me what was the point of swearing at my age?  No really, he says...what was the point?  I had NO answer for him really...which was a bad thing.  Pop asked you a question, boom, you had an answer... or prepare to be ridiculed...  He explains to me that someone as smart as me at that age should know better than to use such words...why not challenge myself to use better words??  Wow...okay...a challenge of that size coming from my Pop?  Touche, Pop...touche... 
So from then on I considered myself on a quest to NOT swear. 
When I moved from Fountain Valley "A Nice Place To Live" to El Toro/Lake Forest "A Far Off Place", I was misconstrued as a prude...Jesus Freak was a moniker often thrown out.  It seemed quite "The Thing" in my high school to be Christian...Like Rock-a-billy...but with bibles.  Fine.  I went to church with my sister, but it was mostly to join in on her quest to find herself, like getting caught in a jetwash...  Which was odd that we held on to that tradition as long as we did because when I tended to follow my sister in her "jetwash" it turned out more like Mav and Goose and I was always Goose...  Damn that canopy.

With the "Christian" label upon me, I didn't get a lot of dates...It was either that or the braces...  who knows.  It took me Freshman and Sophomore year of high school to find my groove and hook up with some cool people...Lores being one of them and my Guria... I was able to more so explain my views.  I was going the non swearing route due to what I felt at the time was expressing my level of ego intelligence (still actually think that by the way) and I wasn't off having tons of sex (not that I didn't get offers).  I wasn't having ANY sex actually.  And not to be a prude, it wasn't that at all... it was the logistics really...  Plus, my parents put the FEAR in us at a young age.  My mother made it damn clear we weren't to be coming home at any age with the "guess what grandma?" look on our faces.  The fear kept my legs closed til I met my husband.  I wasn't waiting for Jesus...I wasn't waiting for myself...I was waiting for someone that I could atleast picture myself being with for a really long ass time if not forever and I got luckier than a whole country full of four leaf clovers... Yes it's cheesey but it's true, so you must allow for SOME cheesiness here...

How do I put this delicately??  I partied Middle School.  Hence, I was partied out by 8th grade...due to that and my boyfriend acting really weird when he came back from a trip at his dad's in the summer between 7th and 8th grade it's a miracle I hadn't slept with HIM back THEN.  I know...gross... but it's true.  So when I got to my special band of peeps Junior year of High School, they were just getting warmed up.  Whereas, I preferred a night at home with a Crispy Chicken sandwich combo and extra ranch from Carl's while watching some Revenge of the Nerds, or perhaps Animal House...  Luckily, my Guria decided then that maybe she needed to party a little less and that's how we becamse so close.  Her mother even thanked me a little for keeping her daughter out of the backseat of a cop car.  You are very welcome Zeca :)  Lores however, her boyfriend was into raves and ecstasy... Good for him.  I was NOT about to be getting into that shit because that rave music sucks. I needed to keep my head on my shoulders so I get out of High School and get on with the rest of my life. 
I don't talk to Lores anymore, but if she wants to look for me, that bitch probably always checks the libraries first....

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