Full swing into single parent summer, and not one blog about it...
And why? No more softball...Thing 1 has moved on from that phase in her life and I know why...
My darling older child hit that realization that she is older and the softball kids are older and they actually want to win games and work harder and practice longer.
Thing 1 doesn't... She is the deer-like prancer around the bases, swatting at the ball with the bat like it's a fly in her way. All the while, having the most fun of her life. Her Daddy and I explained to her that if she did softball again this year, it would be much more competitive and she will more than likely feel a little pressure from her team mates to PLAY. As always, she respectfully declined the invitation to take part in sports this summer and I have to say, I applaud her for that. It took fourth dimensional thinking to get that decision. Also, she is stating quite matter of factly that her school will let her sign up for orchestra next year and she wants to try that. Of course, we are all over that! I come from a musical family (I am only musical when I try my ASS off really hard to learn part of ONE song because I broke my hand really bad and can't do a lot of chords with my pinky and ring finger not functioning on my left hand... really I can barely type some days) And then there's the whole "It's part of school" and we don't have to cart her around anywhere which is a logistical impossibility and I hate that but oh well right?
That all being said, no softball... No softball means no meals on the go, no rushing, no hurrying like a made person, no forgetting the diaper bag and a change of clothes and carrying a soaking baby around a park with me and no battling the baby with the "No, No NO! Don't eat that, put that down, don't touch that, don't run away from me, don't take that kids cookie, chips, candy, drink..." I feel like I get a break this summer. Which is perfect. Because I can sit back and put a smidge more effort in my job because it needs it right now. I had a very demanding May (hence the no posting) and I am reaping all the benefit rest assured.
Choners might be looking into something steadier for employment, we'll see... I think Thing 2 is still too little but it's cool, we'll see what happens. Roll with the punches can be the best medicine for a crazy life.
After two full months of Single Parenting, June is a break. There are only 8 games in June and they're on weekends... so we're good... I get my Choni-baloney on the weekdays when I need him most, what with my three hours I get with the kids once we're home and step foot in the house... My cousin came to live by us recently and she is from Pop's side. Pop's side is small and spread out at that, so they don't get much lovin. I was STOKED when she moved here, she's my "Pop's Family Doppleganger"... everyone has theirs in their families, she's MINE :) So Thing 1 got to spend some time with her while school is out YAY! Then, next week, summer program starts. It's a cool freebie offered through the freebie after school program... Part of the day is free and then you pay a small fee for the rest of the day, so Thing 1 is just going for the first part. But they're still going to be doing some REALLY cool stuffs in that time, so it's ALL good...
Whether she realizes it or NOT, Thing 1 doesn't really want to stay at the house with Daddy and baby all day every day all summer long. Usually she goes to her Noni's house when she has days off in the week, but that's not all the time and I HAVE to get her after work for that to work out, so she doesn't get the lion's share of time with her on those days anyways... It's a good summer this summer, I'm excited... We had a heat wave already and right now right now, we are having some good weather... 70's 80's in June, we're HAPPY CAMPERS!!
I just made my vacation plans for the summer, not exactly vacation by usual standards, but lets call them "days off"... gonna see what we can do in that time off :) So, basically just a check in... so long!!!
...196 days 13 hours and 30 minutes until Christmas... but how's counting???