We have had quite a beginning of the year...And all in good ways! One of my cousins on my dad's side, which is a very small side, they're the Rhode Island of families, recently moved two towns away from me if you're counting from my house. SAME town if you're counting from work. Yay!! I get to see her more! She moved in with her mum, my Pop's little sister, and I might get to see her more too. She's a Hermit Crab. Not just a Hermit, a Hermit CRAB... She's rad and we love her, but she can be a bit of a crabapple. 4 years in the same town as my work and I have yet to see her due to that fact. Saw her twice, once at a wedding in Pismo Beach of all places and once at my baby shower for Thing 2. That was a surprise!!! It was the best surprise of the day, really. She took Pop's death really hard and she's one of those people that doesn't want to be reminded of the negative, even if it means staying away from the negative's children. Hopefully a trend to be changing in the not too distant future... I'm leaning towards Saturday!
I am still rolling with the changes, REO Speedwagon style, as to having a child born in January... Atleast it's at the polar end of Christmas and New Years, but still...January. I have decided to make it less stress and I am now not including the month of January in my yearly budget. January is a free for all...The "year" will start with my January 31st check, not with my December 31st check as previous years sans Thing 2. Once I decided on that, my whole outlook on this month was A-Number 1-100%-OK. Yay! Nothing extravagant for her bday this year. Just an intimate family party with some cake, some pizza. You know, health food. I'm excited though just the same because it means we have managed to keep the tiny human safe and sound for two whole years. It's as much a celebration of the day of her birth as it is of every day since... I am a proud mama of this little one and of our family as a whole! Yay us!
We got our W-2's at work today...You know what that means...the tax man waits for no one... I get to start my orange tri-cut folder of 2013 tax info. My tax lady loves me for this, by the way... she LOVES me for this. I have two more W-2's, the mortgage company info for the house, the bank statement year ends and my 401k stuff to throw in and we're getting our taxes done! YAY! I know, shut up, I like YAY... it works for me right now.
I have the taxes all tangled up already and I'm fine with the outcome so far. I am VERY fine with the fact that the lens that was suggested to me by my lil cuz is coming down in price as we speak. I love the Amazon Wish List, it's one of my favourite things. Then there's the whole Flash debacle. I have been putting off getting a flash for my DSLR since I bought my very FIRST one. I have a flash for a SLR, and I LOVE it... nothing special, but it's fancy enough for me. I am not a true dyed in the wool photog, though... so I am not comfortable using the 35mm that was once my gpa's anymore...So it's time to walk away from the past and make the push into the new millennia...14 years after it started, but still...shut up. I am DYING to get the lens and flash because now that the prices have dropped SO significantly I feel super justified in the purchases. Then there's the struts for our civic, still need to do that... we are getting our new phones, and now there is a new deal through TMobile that I am wondering if we should check out. Getting these phones is going to be just as if not more harrowing than getting our house. But that's how I roll and that is one of the reasons my hunny loves me!
Wednesday I have taken a personal day to stay within the vicinity of my home and await the arrival of my Pop's elder sister to come into town from several states away with my Uncle and their RV... I LOVE that I get to see them too! I have gotten to see her a lot I'd say... for someone that lives STATES away. I LOVE seeing the side of the family that completes my puzzle. That's what Choners says. He kinda gets where I fit in with Ma's family...but when we're around Pop's family it's like a game show buzzer going off in his head and it's lovely.
Another reason for us to write off January as a loss, other than Thing 2's bday, this year my favorite bookstore in town is closing it's doors. They couldn't brave the slow paced sMall that they reside in and have to make a decision. I have been a patron of the store since day one and will miss them so. They had GREAT discounts when there were discounts, and it's even better with 75% off the lowest price. I got THREE bags of books for $24. And there's something in there for ALL of us! It was so bittersweet... So many empty stores in our sMall. Atleast during Halloween they put one of those atrocious Costume City things in there and it beefs up the traffic something wonderful... I loved how artificially busy it was Saturday with the closing sale. People came out of the woodwork. Aaahh, small towns...
We still don't know what we're doing for the Big 10... and we also made another financial decision. To cancel our New York trip next year so I can get LASIK... I am just about Legally Blind and I am a candidate and Ma works in Optometry and can get me a deal...but with the things we have going on this year, I would really like to get my eyes done next year. I almost bit the bullet and did it this year, but it would cut too heavily into our, lets say, profit margin...Still not sure how to incorporate photos into the blog to make it interesting... so I'm considering that heavily and hopefully that will improve with the new upgrades to ol' Betsy. Other than that, everything's good. Rolling along at work... I need to get in for a trim, keeping the short 'do...
First Pic...
Having fun with the 'do...
These are my wascally wabbits...
And one of them will be two :*(
Two days....
Two Years!!!
and always with the squishy face!!