Stupid right? Imagine MY surprise when I realized it...
I had been reading King's 11/22/63 off and on between crochet projects, paying bills online and taking care of household chores on my lunches at work. Very seldom did I find myself with a moment at home to do this... Am I shocked? No. I have the two kiddos and there was softball and there was this and there was that and there was just moments of sitting on the couch, all four of us slugging up a Saturday afternoon... I have the book... I can return to the book. I can't recreate moments like THAT one. I don't think ANYONE really can... SLURP... that's what I do, I SLURP them up and enjoy and savor because the book will always be there, in my drawer at work...and if work burns down... I can buy another book...
Thank you books, for being so sturdy and solid and always there when I'm ready to return to you...the penultimate loyalty! Even better than a dog, who'd a thought?
And thank you to my sister from another mister for always having just the right taste in book to get me...
I just finished "Joyland" by Stephen King. A pulp novel... one I never knew existed and it's fairly new. I was ok with the fact I hadn't heard of it, I didn't expect to know about it. I pulled myself out of "The Know" for a minute or two while I soak up all these firsts, to be returned to later. So I'm returning slowly, one foot in the door... part-timer over here.
I sucked that book up and all it's delicious description that King serves up so well, hitting all the satisfying parts of my literary appetite. Fantastico! Mangia!!
It was a great little book, perfect for cleansing your palate... It's the salad course to my new meal of book reading...
But what I am going to do
I have had so many things go on since I've read some of my favorites that I'm not able to answer questions about books as well as I used to... I need to get into the archives of my memory warehouse. Maybe the best way to unlock this hidden information is to revisit it... maybe that's the key... For instance, I KNOW I could have looked this up, but it really pissed me the fuck off that I couldn't answer Choni's questions about Holden Caulfield... GODDAMN IT!!! That is unacceptable for an English Major!!!!
So, here I go... my Journey "On The Road..." and beyond ..."The Rye"...
because I can, because I need to open up those periodicals in my brain...
If I can't access them, what good are they?
The Mediocre Misadventures of a Pepper, a Choni, and their two Mickspanics told through a Samsung Galaxy Tab 3...
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
...And So It Begins...
First Day of School: 2014
And now... I have an 8 year old 3rd grader... And a teeny one that wishes she could take part in the First Day of School hoopla.
I have known about the First Day of School since the day they posted the new calendar online.
I knew it was coming...
It was on the calendar, my planner, my phone, my work calendar, my work computer and the calendar in the kids room... SO... I knew... we ALL knew.. my frikkin coworkers knew...
Then WHY was it...Saturday afternoon... I realized that my child had all the same old socks (now dirty and small as well as just plain "old") and I should probably take care of that posthaste...
We BRAVED the Wal-Mart and it's mad rushes of humans with baskets on wheels toting around pencils, backpacks (or book bags if you so choose) lunch boxes, al...
I wanted to get ALL of those things but here's the thing about Thing 1's school. They hand out a list on the First Day of School and all you have to do is make sure you have those things. I was GROSSLY over prepared for her first day of school in Kindergarten and have yet to make the same mistake twice, I thank you...
Needless to say, we were able to stay away from the Supplies aisle and happily I might add.
Straight to clothing we went and I let her pick out her own socks. Imagine my chagrin when she picked out the most NEON and ostentatious pairs of socks... Fine, it's what the kids are wearing these days. And we couldn't get Thing 1 something without getting Thing 2 something...and since it IS summer, and it IS warm, and she IS walking more and wearing shoes more... she got thin ankle socks that, too, could be seen from space. Fine.. .great...
We got home, I threw the new socks in the washer with a load of laundry and something came over me that... Oh God... We're not going to be There anymore... we were already HERE... and we were unpacking and fixin to stay... we are in the land of the 8 year old 3rd graders... and ours is on her way to be the fully independent type. With her matchy matchy outfit she picked out herself and hair clips that she (almost) put in her own hair that she brushed all on her own that morning without my asking (but I went behind her and Brush-ninja'd her hair anyways just in case). Put her dishes from her breakfast in the sink and had poured her own chocolate milk... I never thought that I would look at a spot on my table where there "should" be dishes from a kid...and have there NOT be dishes because she takes them to the sink herself now and rinses them herself... That's weird to me now... The me NOW thinks it's out of the ordinary... the me in two weeks probably won't care.
The First Day was a Mommy Daddy Take You To School Day type of morning... and we both were there to pick her up from the after school program that her awesome school provides free of charge to those who apply...which am US :) They love her there, she loves it there, she didn't go last year because it didn't make sense with Daddy home and grandpa last year she had her time with Daddy and baby... now she is ready to jump back in to full time socializing and crafting and free-from-baby-trying-to-crawl-up-her-butt-all-the-time. She has Daddy to thank for that and all his brilliantness and thoughts of projects and things to do... he's going to be busy and getting balls rolling for himself.. Yay!
I asked her how the First Day went...
"Really? That's it?"
"yeah, Mom. It's Fine. I like my teacher, kids are nice, program was nice... it was.. Fine"
Wow... that's it huh?
"Not for me, but YOU have some."
She takes THE manila folder out of her bag. The one I've come to know so well with pages upon pages of "I agree to do this and make this pledge and make this promise and my kid's gonna keep their hands to themselves and they're going to be the best citizen they can while they're on you're turf" and I signed and I initialed and I was done while Thing 2 napped (time out, nap, whatever).
Yesterday, I picked her up and there was nothing.. Just more FINE... Is it possible that we have already gotten to the point in the road where I am more excited about school starting than the kids?
She was enthusiastic, and glad that school started. But not EXCITED.. so I guess I was a little alone in my excitement... We get home and I go through the spiel from last spring of "Lunch box emptied out on the table, book bag in your room, homework on the table."
"I did my homework. My program teacher checked it. It's done."
"And you know what's going to happen to you if you aren't telling me the truth right? You KNOW it will reflect badly on you and this new teacher you said you really like will have to tell you something that will make you feel bad that you aren't doing well in school because you didn't do your homework right? and then she'll call or email me or daddy and you'll be in BIG trouble."
"Yeah. I know...and then no more Kindle right?"
"Yeah... I know. It's done."
"Ok, I'll trust you. Do you know I mean by that? Do you know what Trust means?"
"Ok, well so you don't have anything else to say to me? You are DONE with your homework"
...and I left it at that... so now I have a 3rd grader and I am going to trust her. I am going to trust her that she did her homework.
Tonight when I pick her up, I will ask the program director if she is in fact doing her work there and if she isn't, I don't know if I should let her skate and see what her teacher says or if I should get involved now and nip it in the bud? I don't know that she's not doing her work. I want to see how this unfolds. Is it too soon to trust her to do what she knows she needs to do for school? I mean, I have a hard enough time reminding her to brush her teeth and pick her clothes up off the floor. But that's home, and that's Mom brains are magical dryers where word socks get stuck and lost and never found again... so I don't expect her to absorb such a notion...but she has never really LIED to me on PURPOSE... and she didn't do anything that was terribly exciting last night to make her feel a lie was needed to get out of doing homework... so I'm going to let it go... I might as well test it now. I mean, it's 3rd grade and school just started... how much damage can she do in the first few weeks of school? I'm going to trust her, I decided. And I screwed myself REALLY good last night. She put her backpack in her room last night just like she was supposed to, so I couldn't even sneak in there and check it at night because I would have woken up the baby for sure. We'll see what happens... but it's a trip man... I'm already TRUSTING... I know it's not life or death, but it's a first step and it's crazy... CRAZY!!
Not as crazy though as some of the parents that were there to drop off their kids too...
Spandex is NOT back...don't try to bring it back!!
And now... I have an 8 year old 3rd grader... And a teeny one that wishes she could take part in the First Day of School hoopla.
I have known about the First Day of School since the day they posted the new calendar online.
I knew it was coming...
It was on the calendar, my planner, my phone, my work calendar, my work computer and the calendar in the kids room... SO... I knew... we ALL knew.. my frikkin coworkers knew...
Then WHY was it...Saturday afternoon... I realized that my child had all the same old socks (now dirty and small as well as just plain "old") and I should probably take care of that posthaste...
We BRAVED the Wal-Mart and it's mad rushes of humans with baskets on wheels toting around pencils, backpacks (or book bags if you so choose) lunch boxes, al...
I wanted to get ALL of those things but here's the thing about Thing 1's school. They hand out a list on the First Day of School and all you have to do is make sure you have those things. I was GROSSLY over prepared for her first day of school in Kindergarten and have yet to make the same mistake twice, I thank you...
Needless to say, we were able to stay away from the Supplies aisle and happily I might add.
Straight to clothing we went and I let her pick out her own socks. Imagine my chagrin when she picked out the most NEON and ostentatious pairs of socks... Fine, it's what the kids are wearing these days. And we couldn't get Thing 1 something without getting Thing 2 something...and since it IS summer, and it IS warm, and she IS walking more and wearing shoes more... she got thin ankle socks that, too, could be seen from space. Fine.. .great...
We got home, I threw the new socks in the washer with a load of laundry and something came over me that... Oh God... We're not going to be There anymore... we were already HERE... and we were unpacking and fixin to stay... we are in the land of the 8 year old 3rd graders... and ours is on her way to be the fully independent type. With her matchy matchy outfit she picked out herself and hair clips that she (almost) put in her own hair that she brushed all on her own that morning without my asking (but I went behind her and Brush-ninja'd her hair anyways just in case). Put her dishes from her breakfast in the sink and had poured her own chocolate milk... I never thought that I would look at a spot on my table where there "should" be dishes from a kid...and have there NOT be dishes because she takes them to the sink herself now and rinses them herself... That's weird to me now... The me NOW thinks it's out of the ordinary... the me in two weeks probably won't care.
The First Day was a Mommy Daddy Take You To School Day type of morning... and we both were there to pick her up from the after school program that her awesome school provides free of charge to those who apply...which am US :) They love her there, she loves it there, she didn't go last year because it didn't make sense with Daddy home and grandpa last year she had her time with Daddy and baby... now she is ready to jump back in to full time socializing and crafting and free-from-baby-trying-to-crawl-up-her-butt-all-the-time. She has Daddy to thank for that and all his brilliantness and thoughts of projects and things to do... he's going to be busy and getting balls rolling for himself.. Yay!
I asked her how the First Day went...
"Really? That's it?"
"yeah, Mom. It's Fine. I like my teacher, kids are nice, program was nice... it was.. Fine"
Wow... that's it huh?
"Not for me, but YOU have some."
She takes THE manila folder out of her bag. The one I've come to know so well with pages upon pages of "I agree to do this and make this pledge and make this promise and my kid's gonna keep their hands to themselves and they're going to be the best citizen they can while they're on you're turf" and I signed and I initialed and I was done while Thing 2 napped (time out, nap, whatever).
Yesterday, I picked her up and there was nothing.. Just more FINE... Is it possible that we have already gotten to the point in the road where I am more excited about school starting than the kids?
She was enthusiastic, and glad that school started. But not EXCITED.. so I guess I was a little alone in my excitement... We get home and I go through the spiel from last spring of "Lunch box emptied out on the table, book bag in your room, homework on the table."
"I did my homework. My program teacher checked it. It's done."
"And you know what's going to happen to you if you aren't telling me the truth right? You KNOW it will reflect badly on you and this new teacher you said you really like will have to tell you something that will make you feel bad that you aren't doing well in school because you didn't do your homework right? and then she'll call or email me or daddy and you'll be in BIG trouble."
"Yeah. I know...and then no more Kindle right?"
"Yeah... I know. It's done."
"Ok, I'll trust you. Do you know I mean by that? Do you know what Trust means?"
"Ok, well so you don't have anything else to say to me? You are DONE with your homework"
...and I left it at that... so now I have a 3rd grader and I am going to trust her. I am going to trust her that she did her homework.
Tonight when I pick her up, I will ask the program director if she is in fact doing her work there and if she isn't, I don't know if I should let her skate and see what her teacher says or if I should get involved now and nip it in the bud? I don't know that she's not doing her work. I want to see how this unfolds. Is it too soon to trust her to do what she knows she needs to do for school? I mean, I have a hard enough time reminding her to brush her teeth and pick her clothes up off the floor. But that's home, and that's Mom brains are magical dryers where word socks get stuck and lost and never found again... so I don't expect her to absorb such a notion...but she has never really LIED to me on PURPOSE... and she didn't do anything that was terribly exciting last night to make her feel a lie was needed to get out of doing homework... so I'm going to let it go... I might as well test it now. I mean, it's 3rd grade and school just started... how much damage can she do in the first few weeks of school? I'm going to trust her, I decided. And I screwed myself REALLY good last night. She put her backpack in her room last night just like she was supposed to, so I couldn't even sneak in there and check it at night because I would have woken up the baby for sure. We'll see what happens... but it's a trip man... I'm already TRUSTING... I know it's not life or death, but it's a first step and it's crazy... CRAZY!!
Not as crazy though as some of the parents that were there to drop off their kids too...
Spandex is NOT back...don't try to bring it back!!
day to day,
First Day Of School,
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
DREAM CAST: Buckaroo Banzai ...
If you read that going , "Whaaaa??!?!"
Step into my office and let me introduce to a world that my pop walked me into without knowing it...
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across The 8th Dimension is a great flick.
It's got everything!!! Action, drama, love, science, fantasy, CHEESE!! LOTS of cheese... especially the red framed glasses that the studio didn't want Peter Weller to sport in the THREE whole scenes he has them on... fantastic!
We had this on during dinner a few nights ago and it came up that this movie was WAY ahead of it's time and we were almost GLAD that it didn't catch on when it did, so it could be a nice little cult classic for us to geek out over and not everyone knows the "secret handshake" about this great little flick.
BUT, the other edge of the sword is that it's great... it really is! And I would like to spread the greatness to share with everyone! And I want to say to someone I barely know, "Didn't you just LOVE the bubblewrap glasses? And the Rasta Alien good guys?" and they can say "YES!!" instead a mouth agape look of shock and confusion... that would be nice too...
In conversing about how we sort of wish they would remake this, and not screw it up, we started to say, "In a perfect world..." and all that... so then ... Dream Casting Buckaroo Banzai jumped off the session...
Buckaroo Banzai: Brandon Routh
Dr. Lizardo: John Turturro
Perfect Tommy: Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Rawhide: Jacob Pitts
Penny Priddy: Brie Larson
New Jersey: Justin Long
John Bigboote: Jemaine Clement
the rest of them can pretty much be figured out during general casting, but these were our musts and thought they would really make the remake if ever anyone decided to tackle such a thing :)
Step into my office and let me introduce to a world that my pop walked me into without knowing it...
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across The 8th Dimension is a great flick.
It's got everything!!! Action, drama, love, science, fantasy, CHEESE!! LOTS of cheese... especially the red framed glasses that the studio didn't want Peter Weller to sport in the THREE whole scenes he has them on... fantastic!
We had this on during dinner a few nights ago and it came up that this movie was WAY ahead of it's time and we were almost GLAD that it didn't catch on when it did, so it could be a nice little cult classic for us to geek out over and not everyone knows the "secret handshake" about this great little flick.
BUT, the other edge of the sword is that it's great... it really is! And I would like to spread the greatness to share with everyone! And I want to say to someone I barely know, "Didn't you just LOVE the bubblewrap glasses? And the Rasta Alien good guys?" and they can say "YES!!" instead a mouth agape look of shock and confusion... that would be nice too...
In conversing about how we sort of wish they would remake this, and not screw it up, we started to say, "In a perfect world..." and all that... so then ... Dream Casting Buckaroo Banzai jumped off the session...
Buckaroo Banzai: Brandon Routh
Dr. Lizardo: John Turturro
Perfect Tommy: Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Rawhide: Jacob Pitts
Penny Priddy: Brie Larson
New Jersey: Justin Long
John Bigboote: Jemaine Clement
the rest of them can pretty much be figured out during general casting, but these were our musts and thought they would really make the remake if ever anyone decided to tackle such a thing :)
DREAM CAST: Live Action TaleSpin
If you were a kid in the early 90's, I don't care WHO you were, you watched TaleSpin...
For me it was KCAL 9 everyday after school until the 'rents came home and then it was Wheel of Fortune and dinner and primetime...
I filled my afternoons with the toons of Disney on in the background while I did homework (yes, I know I actually DID my homework)...
The best part of TaleSpin was it was about a 30's era and planes... I was in... even my dad tried to catch it to watch with me on his few and far between days off. Reason 472 why my pop would have loved to live in our time... DVR...
Anyways, carrying on to the Dream Cast bit... Choners LOVES the underdog cartoon as much as I do and now we are turning the kids on to it... so of course THIS conversation had to happen...
Choni: Who would you get to be Baloo if you they did a Live Action TaleSpin?
Me: Oh damn... let's do it! Who WOULD we get? **gets pen and paper and writes down the dreamcasting session.
--This is what we came up with...
Baloo: Kevin James
Rebecca: Gretchen Mol
Wild Cat: Steve Zahn
Don Karnage: Kevin Kline
Shere Khan: Arnold Vosloo
Louie: Jack Johnson (you know you want to see this guy act)
and Don Karnage's First Mate: Steve Buscemi.
And there you have it... try getting THAT out of your head ;)
For me it was KCAL 9 everyday after school until the 'rents came home and then it was Wheel of Fortune and dinner and primetime...
I filled my afternoons with the toons of Disney on in the background while I did homework (yes, I know I actually DID my homework)...
The best part of TaleSpin was it was about a 30's era and planes... I was in... even my dad tried to catch it to watch with me on his few and far between days off. Reason 472 why my pop would have loved to live in our time... DVR...
Anyways, carrying on to the Dream Cast bit... Choners LOVES the underdog cartoon as much as I do and now we are turning the kids on to it... so of course THIS conversation had to happen...
Choni: Who would you get to be Baloo if you they did a Live Action TaleSpin?
Me: Oh damn... let's do it! Who WOULD we get? **gets pen and paper and writes down the dreamcasting session.
--This is what we came up with...
Baloo: Kevin James
Rebecca: Gretchen Mol
Wild Cat: Steve Zahn
Don Karnage: Kevin Kline
Shere Khan: Arnold Vosloo
Louie: Jack Johnson (you know you want to see this guy act)
and Don Karnage's First Mate: Steve Buscemi.
And there you have it... try getting THAT out of your head ;)
Arnold Vosloo,
Dream Casting,
Gretchen Mol,
Jack Johnson,
Kevin James,
Kevin Kline,
Steve Buscemi,
Steve Zahn,
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