Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Difference between Adventurist and Masochist...

Interesting start to the week...  Not going to work.

Why do you ask?  Was there a holiday you missed?

No... unless getting zero sleep on account of a teething baby is considered a holiday... Maybe in Sweden... Those fuckers are weird... Or is it the Swiss?  Maybe it's the Swiss...

Miss Marysu decided that sleep is overrated when you're whole head hurts from teething...  I can't really disagree with her.  I would rather it be Friday or Saturday night and agree... Not Sunday...  I have a lot of sick days ahead of me.  I totally used one and I couldn't have been better for it than I am now.  It was a great idea.

I must say, every time we have started to discuss and have state-of-the-union type converstations about things, the man and I start to have these odd instances occur that just about cut into stone the decision we are trying to make. 

Do we get a new car?  I don't know, lets think about it... Meanwhile the old car dies... so yes, we do! 

Do we buy a house?  Well, the market crashed sending home prices into a downward spiral of depression era proportions and laying off the man so we made less and qualified for a low income loan...  Okay then...  if you insist!

...And the beat goes on...

The lastest?  Family size... We are thinking we are a family of four and that is IT...  We have been talking about us and our two girls long before there were two girls...and now they are here and I couldn't imagine life without them.  We feel like we are starting the rest of our lives...not like we've been  sitting around with our thumbs up our asses or anything, but there have been things that seemed like they would be more complete with ALL members of our family present, and we are now "there" and it's awesome!  I couldn't be more thrilled...So we made the appointment last week for the consult for the "Big V"... an affordable procedure that will hurt like hell for a few days be a simple out patient day of extra strength Tylenol and Advil.

So what happened??  Oh, well, apparently the little Baby Sandman skipped my house on Sunday... But I trapped the fucker and made him do his job last night and I am here at work, breaking and worry free due to plenty of sleep.

At the first appointment yesterday when our GP asked Antonio if he was sure... wow, I've NEVER heard my honey answer a question so quickly and assertively.  I was proud of him :)  And it was YES.  Not just YES, but HELL YES... 

I am not a gambler by any means and it does NOT comfort me when people say "Maybe the NEXT one won't 'this' or 'that'..."  Maybe unicorns will appear and pigs will fly...  and the marshmallow rain that Harley prays for will finally come...  I am not rolling the dice on the fact that the next kid WON'T keep us up with bad teething.  It's not every night, but when it happens, it's bad.

Come on people... don't shove rainbows up my ass.  My little sister asks me all the time, "Are babies hard?"  And I am honest and truthful...  "FUCK yes they are!"  The funniest thing?  Marysu IS a great baby...she's fantastic... On a pie chart it would be 95% awesome and 5% crazy due to teething and that 5% has taken place in the past month...  that's some jacked statistics if you do the math.  No baby is 100% stress free... You show me one and I'll tell you those assholes are talking about a doll... or a dog... it could be a dog.

Harley was sickeningly fantastic.  She WAS a perfect baby... only 99.1% because of the day she got her 9 month shot and she had a fever and cried screamed for three hours straight.  The house was echoing so badly I went outside and the neighbor asked what was wrong... SHOTS...  I got the, "Oh, yeah those days..." eye roll from the older lady who went back in her house, glad that she didn't have to deal with that anymore... whore.

And that was all the crazy baby business we had with Harley...  literally.

I couldn't deal with harder than this.  I am not wonder woman.... and I didn't marry superman.  He THINKS he's Batman, but that's a whole different thing altogether.  Again I quote "The definition of insanity is attempting the same thing over and over again expecting a different result..."  I am not going to insanely have another kid just so I can prove to myself that "It's not that bad..."  I am having more fun that not, but I am still not happy about the "not" part and can't wait for Marysu to get over the teeth hump.  I am sad about the gums being gone.

That gummy smile made my day so many times, but it's evolution people.  It happens, they get older and we are to embrace it.  I don't want more so I can see those gummy smiles again.  That's what pictures are for.  And I am making damn sure I have plenty of pictures so I can have a good long look and be done.

It may seem that I am trying to convince myself of something...I am trying to convince myself not to choke to death the next person that looks at my like I told them my dog died and not "We're done, Mary's the last of the babes...".  Plus, it was hard on me and Antonio.  I've never seen him worry so much about so many things all at once and I just don't want to go through that again...  It's time for phase 3, "The rest of our lives"...  I can't wait...and first we start with family road trips a plenty!  It's a really exciting time for us...  I do realize, that there is a possibility that the "V" won't work...  I have a new baby cousin because of such...  but still... I know it will work for us.  Because Antonio has never dreamt of 3 kids... That's my story and I'm sticking to it.  We have done this twice now, we're good.

Let the adventure commence! 


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The One Where We Think We Are On The Travel Channel ...

It’s usually around the 3rd try (which is NOT always the charm) of trying to scan something into my system that I decide a break is in order.  How does that go?  Insanity by definition is the act of attempting the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result?  Something like that…and who wants to be defined as insane?
Not I said the fly.
I’m not really sure what I intend to mention here…
Maybe just some fact mentioning…
I got a new laptop.  We are still without full internet access: a) I am boycotting major providers because the only ones available to me are fascists… b) the cost…  I was hoping I would be inspired to do any type of intriguing posts on the laptop and post it later at work.  Well, I am now probably going to shitcan that idea ever-so-temporarily.  We are currently in the throes of getting back to our daily Daddy’s-not-working lives.  I do less shopping for recreation.  And usually it will take until right before Christmas for us to start doing very different things when I get home from work.  As it is with the wee one, things are slightly different.  I get home and I get the kids. 
The objective of the night: 9pm bedtime.
Not too farfetched.  It gives us 1 hour of Mom/Dad time before optimum parent bedtime is achieved.  We have a high success rate.  Success rate tends to be higher when we don’t go anywhere.  I realize that sounds bloody lame, and boring, and unexciting, and the opposite of awesome.  But we are super savers and tend to get off on watching our bank accounts climb J and climb J 
I must say, we do have quite a “rest of the year” planned considering that fact…
And not to mention what we already did…  Had the baby…that’s A… we had a great week when the Ninas came out.  Then there was my trip to my cousins with the kids…drove the van.  No flying.  Then there was the ever present big birthday bash for Thing 1.  We still have a wedding up north to attend, and more up north family fun in December to ring in a 50th wedding anniversary.  And we are totally going to these events because family is #1 J We have already planned Spring Break in the Emerald City because the Ninas are bomb… and Harley has been asking to go back there.  She wants to show her sister her favorite town (other than her own of course)…  It’s been two years since Choners has been up there and he wants to go so it seemed fortuitous that the baseball season does not start at home this year, but away…for the first time in what will be 6 seasons… 6 seasons man… whoa... I can’t believe he’s been doing this gig that long… J  So we are happy campers!  The wee one…she will be unfazed… well, maybe not entirely.  She might be slightly fazed by the 18 hr car ride.  18 hrs with a 14 month old.  Yeah, we live on the EDGE!
What was my point?  Oh yeah, super savers!!!  The mode is on…NOW.
Generally I park myself with the kiddos when I get home because I miss them sooo much!  And daddy has his manly things to attend to…trash taking out, dish doing, dinner cooking, laundry folding… things of that sort.  And I would do all these things, but he just about THROWS them at me... How do I argue with that?  Hehehe…

"How To" tip of the day: 
if someone is hovering and you want them to go away...  Share the last diaper changing experience you had...  you can thank me later.