Tuesday, February 5, 2013

First World Problems....

I'm getting my hair done tomorrow. 

No big deal right?

I know I could probably do this on my own at home cheaper... but there are some things that just because you CAN do them, doesn't mean you should.

I have dark blonde hair that, in high school, was deliciously golden blonde...sun kissed fantasticness that all the "bops" (we called them bops) in school would ask, "Like wow! WHERE did you get your hair done?  WHO does your hair?"

To which my smart ass self would answer "Uhm, I got my hair done... outside??  By, uhm... God?  I guess..."  and I would walk away... Yes, the Lord did my hair with a power assist from Mother Nature.  She rocked my socks on the hair SO well I didn't touch it for years.  Nothing. Totally Virgin Hair!!  Yay me... but before the pats on the back start... I started working and going to school SO much that I was never outside.  I was inside fluorescent lighting of SOME kind all day... from home to work to home to school to work... Fun...  And when I realized that it was affecting my hair I got a WILD fire lit under my ass to change my hair.  I had a thing about "Hi Lights" ... that doesn't look right does it? Well I did that so you would know how AWKWARD it was for you to read that, it was awkward for me to try and get something done to my hair that I got for free... everyday...and was done perfectly naturally...  Enter Adult Life Phase 1.  Letting go of that shit. 

Unless I became a Forest Ranger, I wasn't going to get the same sun play on my hair, that being said I decided redheads have more fun and I went red...for about 5 minutes.  After I felt like I was chasing that perfect red, much like chasing the "perfect high" like a damn crack head, I stopped chasing and let the red fade out... it faded into a dull reddish brown.  I applied a brown over it to appease my inner self that was screaming at me that I looked ridiculous with my tri color hair...  Luckily,  I was making my plans to get married and I needed to do something dumbed down until I decided what I wanted my hair to look like for the big day.

The week before I got married, my big sis and I went trolling the aisles of Wally World to find that perfect color and it was a toasted Almond by who I don't know... it was a box.  It was rad... I wish I could have remembered that brand...cause I would just do that to my hair...but it would fall out ... and then I would cry...

I have been doing dark to moderate browns ever since because I was enjoying the contrast between having blue eyes and having brown hair.  I found I saw that a lot less in the natural world...so I had my fun.  then one day I was looking at myself in the mirror.  You know when you look in the mirror and you have a mind's eye idea of what you're about to see?  And then that second happens and you're like, Yeah, I see me...

I didn't see me... I was a little taken a back by what I saw.  This usually happens when you get a new hair cut or color.  but I was well into my umpteenth dye job of brown...I even started getting my hair "done" as a concession to myself ... a "spa day"... a "pat on the back" if you will.  I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't go out... WE don't do any of those things and after I talked to the hubby, he was super on board and now I "get my hair done" every 5-6 weeks.  But now I am in the process of not changing ... but changing back.  Going "Back to One" if you will...  And it's been awesome.  The chick that does my hair is super affordable and close to my house and has a fantastical personality... it couldn't be a better fit if I tried... and I didn't.  My coworker said if I was every thinking of getting my hair done professionally that she would float me the chick's number cause she rocks...and she DOES!! 

So, I get my hair done tomorrow again...and I'm wondering...

Should I cut it???

Yeah, I said ALL that just to get this...

My hair has always been long.  I kept it shorter for a few years, grew it out SUPER long and hacked it off, donated it cause I took a 2 year hiatus from color and now I am back to one.  Hair is grown out...  Want to hack it off... but my budget doesn't allow for a second trip to the salon and the cycle of going every 5-6 weeks allows for a "free" hair cut (that is actually already worked into my budget) every couple of months.  I think by the time I come around my cycle again, I will be ready for a hack job... yeah, I think so.  Because even at just past shoulder length my thick ass hair will be persona non grata during our hot ass summer...



And now I get to go and hang with my kiddos Han Solo cause Daddy's got a mandate...  Mandate... Mangina... okay, I'm done now...

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