Thursday, January 31, 2013

Free Bagels and a Retirement Plan later...

We're really real grown ups now!!

Well, atleast that's how it feels.

I always thought that we were already grown ups but two children and a house does not a grown up make.

It takes a lot more than that and I like to think that my family embodies what it takes to be contributing members of society, and now we are contributing members of the global economy :)  And I have proven, to myself...once again...what a small fuckin world it really is dammit...

I could blog about the "I didn't know you knew them!!" that I run into every day...but I'll take it one at a time.

This time, I found out that my exstepmonster's old boss runs a financial advisory branch that my exstepmoster's brother has a branch manager position at another office of, and not only do they know HIM, they started the branch of another company that the exstepmonster got the job at that moved us from one county to another...and I KNEW I knew these people...the name... names are a funny thing with me... I can retain a person's name if I have heard it a few times, but I have to have heard it a few times.. Other than that, what am I?  Psychic?  It bothered me so much that I checked with Ma and YUP... I was right... I knew that name for a reason!!

I really like the guy my company set us up with...he's my age so I feel like he really has our best interest at heart.  And what he did for my coworker and her existing portfolio?  I've been around a broker's office long enough to know some things...and I knew that I didn't want to get into the market during the recession...and we didn't have the money to do it before.  It basically would have been a glorified savings account and I can do that shit on my own man.  I'm doing pretty well for us on my own so far and that's with one of us working part time 5 months of the year. 

I am really excited to talk to the guy once Choners gets his business off and running.  Brokerman said he'd help Choni with the small business management and making sure he takes the right deductions out of his business and starts himself a self employed 401k...  It's an exciting time for us right now... It's the "What happens after you get the stuff you were working for" time. 

I mean, you chunk up your life, if you so choose, into things you were looking forward go so simply into it as , when you're dating it's all about getting together and going out and having sex (i'm just being honest people)... Once you're dating awhile and serious, it's generally about getting married and getting your first place if you already don't live together...then kids or your first house...whichever goal is closer is generally the one you go for...New cars if you need them, if you don't, maybe fixing up the cars you have and/or paying them off...  Well, we have a house, two paid off cars, two kids (final inning) what? 

Now I am taking the time to look into the things that I think sometimes people rush into.

Retirement planning, college funds for the kids, beneficiaries, perhaps start a will/trust, life insurance, helping Choni start his business... and if there's any time or money left...a new lens for my Nikon!  Are you surprised? 

It's amazing how different the things are that my previous self and my now self are thinking about...mostly because I attained all of those goals already.  And all of it for the better!

Don't get me wrong, I still have goals and dreams that need attaining... but until someone perfects the time machine...I'll just stick to what's in front of us...

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