Thursday, May 31, 2012

♪♫Summertime...and the living is easy...♪♫♪

It's summer!  And even though the Storm season started back in April, I still call it my "Single Parent Summer"...  And I only feel it during those times that Choners has his Storm games back to back to back...and I mean 7 days in a row at the most.  They usually don't take up more of his time than that, but that's enough for me.  In case you haven't realized it yet, I am totally spoiled.  I got my honey all to myself when it was fall, winter and part of spring.  I lose him on average 14 days a month 5 months a year.  I know that's nothing to some people, I realize that.  I said to someone earlier this week, everyone has their own private hell to live through for whatever reason that is.  Mine is the summer.  For a few reasons actually.  First and foremost, I HATE the heat.  HATE it with the fire of the thousand suns that beat down on So Cal during July, August, and September.  I don't throw the H word around much, but when we're talking hot weather?  Abso-tude-a-lutely.  Second reason, I don't like the fact that I lose my honey 14 days a month during the summer.  Well, I DO..and I don't... I don't like it because I'm cheesey and I miss him... I miss him cause I'm spoiled by having him around so much.  And I don't even really like that addage "You don't know what you have until it's gone..."  I know what I have, that's why I don't want it to be gone... Third reason I don't like summer: Everyone's birthday is in summer...  Thing 1, Choni, his mom, mine, my sister, her kids, my uncle...OY...
I must say though, the good that it does having Choni work nights in the summer is it gives Harley and I time together.  Well, now it's Harley, Marysu and I.  Fine fine.. no problem there.  Harley gets to watch any movie she wants, we have dinner, they get cleaned up, they go to bed.  Everyone's happy.  I attempt some small chore to be done to make me feel like I didn't completely waste my time and make Choni feel like he's not the only one keeping the house up.  Cause you know...he kinda is.  heh...  I feel uber accomplished by getting two loads of laundry and dishes done by the time he gets home from the game.  A bottle in the fridge for when Miss Marymonster wakes him up for her early morning wares... Doing these things for my family makes me feel so good at the end of the day.  It's a complete success if I'm able to sneak in a quick shower...even if it's just a rinse off.  In the summer, I always make time for the rinse off.  Cause yea, YUCK!!  So I am facing down the barrel of the single parent summer part 5.  The first was the worst.  I have gotten used to it by now, I definitely don't let it get me as down as it did that first year.  But that was a hard year for a lot of reasons...  In that year, we moved, Ma got divorced with which there was back lash to deal with, Choni still had his job, so the Storm was his second job and took him away completely for that summer...then he lost his job and the Storm season ended at the same time.  I am thinking that basically any summer since has been monumentally better!  I actually know for a fact that it has...but maybe this one can go down in the lower portions being the first summer without my father in law around... still dealing with that one...  It's going...  not sure HOW it's going yet, but it's going just the same.  Not a day goes by without "I miss my Grandpa..." coming from Thing 1's mouth.  Pobracita...  and so forth...  Now, I get to exit my place of employment and trade it for screaming little girls in Navy and Gold hair bands hitting bright green softballs off of a tee... Yay summer!!!  Don't forget your sunscreen!

**countdown to winter begins...NOW...

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